Chapter Two

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"And then the tail vanished." I explained. It was a Saturday morning and I had just told Mum what happened yesterday.

"So you turned into a mermaid?" she asked. She didn't believe me.

"It's true! I can show you!"

I poured water in a cup over my legs as I was sat on the sofa with my feet in a wash tub. Suddenly, my legs felt numb and fused. They turned into a gradient green, turquoise and blue tail. Mum was stunned. So was Abby, who was watching TV and had stopped to look.

"You're a mermaid! Cool!" she said.

"I can't go swimming now because this will happen! Everyone will call me a freak!"

"They won't." said Mum. She dried my tail with a towel and Abby moved the wash tub. My legs came back and I could walk again.

"No more swimming lessons for me."
Mum gave Miss Hunter (my teacher) a note the next day. It said:

"Miss Sarah Hunter. Kendall has developed a severe allergy and she can't touch water. So she will be excused from lessons until we can cure her.
From your friend, Kelsey Brookhaven."

She believed it! So I can't swim at all in school. I was late to school because I left my purse at home. I wasn't given a detention and the headteacher, Mrs Blackburn, said she felt sorry for me and wouldn't give me detentions.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2017 ⏰

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