thirty six

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The car ride was filled with a whole bunch of fucking silence. How fun. My hands were gripped on the steering wheel until my knuckles were white. I had to protect her. I had to stay with her and as soon as she gets out of the hospital, she's staying with me. She had to. I don't want her hurt. I swerved in and out of traffic, y/n holding on to the seat belt with her dear life. I should slow down. But I wanted to get there as quick as possible.

We arrived there faster than we should've. But I could care less. I was upset. She would never love me. This isn't the y/n I cared for and loved. But I would never forgive myself if the person I had one fell in love with got hurt. . The doors slid open soundlessly, the white walls already closing in on me. It was only the lobby and already I could smell the scent of sickly people.
"Check in for y/n l/n. She checked out yesterday for the night." The lady behind the counter tapped at her keyboard.
"Ah yes. You're all checked in." I nodded adding a thank you. I started walking towards the elevator as I noticed y/n was starting at the giant stuffed giraffe in the gift shop. I would have to get her that some time.
"Come on." I said, emotionless. I was worried. I looked over my shoulder checking for get ex. Not there. I sighed as y/n walked towards me and I clicked the button for the elevator

We arrived at the room and she thanked me for showing me our place. I have a thin lipped smile. And entered after her. She looked at me, confused, but shrugged. A nurse was waiting for get in the room to give y/n her meds and to hook her up to the machine. When the nurse was about to leave I asked her where the pillows and a blankets were. She pointed at a cupboard to the left of y/ n's bed. I grabbed one and made myself comfy.
"The fuck are you doing?" She asked raising an eyebrow
"I'll tell you sometime, why I'm doing this, but, for now, I'm going to take a nap."

Naive (Pyrocynical x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now