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Sketch was listening to musics that she found on Inky's phone and wonders alittle... She giggled and listen more to how silly the lyrics were, PJ pops out of no where asking," Do you know how Error and mom met?" PJ being very serious and silly, Sketch nobs as a reply." Can you tell me how!?" PJ said with alot of happyness while Sketch wondering why would PJ wants to know," Well... Sure? It has been awhile that u have grown up PJ, you are 21 years old and Ink and Error would have been proud, but sure care to sit with me?"Sketch said in a calm tone waiting for a reply, PJ nod slowly, sitting down and waited for Sketch to start telling...

3rd pov

Ink and Error used to be friends until Error got lose his mind and start destroying, while Ink recreating them again... They both live in the void before Ink start making his own home, Paint helping his bro and creating Sketch. They have made her for a purpose and she understand that now.

Error and Ink became ENEMIES and has fought alot. They both will be hurt, Paint and Sketch would start healing ink making sure he wont die, meanwhile Error would be healing himself, like always. Both of them have voices talking to them, mostly the voices are being such shippers.( i regret nothing on breaking the 4th wall xD)

Ink has hated the color white and said it has no fun thing in it while Error likes it. Error hates physical touch while Ink is okay with physical touch like alot.


327 words wow its not alot, but i tired and my hands are tired even if i dont use them often and welp i just want to say that i am pretty new with this stuff so i might not be the best with doing fanfictions, but i love doing this anyway peace

~Sketch/Ink Frisk

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