For Leny

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Tony lifted your chin from your view of the dress that clung to your lap.

People dashes back and forth across the dance floor. Cradled arm in arm, they swayed along to the rhythm of the music. The whole world stopped just for them, dancing with the ones they loved. The breeze of the ocean hurdled itself against the side of the incredible large, beautiful baby pink tent that lay upon a lovely opal foundation.

Most beaches didn't have areas specifically designed for weddings and wedding receptions, but this one was special. It was a beautiful beach, on the west coast, where the guys were tan and shirtless. Unf.

The only guy that caught an eye or two at this reception though was Tony💕

Too bad only one girl caught his eye, Leny.

"Sweet-pea, what's wrong?" Tony fluttered his eyelashes, moving your hair from your view, tucking it behind your ear.


"You hear that?" Tony mimicked, putting a hand up to his ear, cuffing it, "that's the sound of bullshit. Now tell what's wrong."

"Really nothing." You laughed, cradling his face in one hand, squeezing his cheeks together like an infant.

"Is it because the wedding kiss?" Tony laughed, hiding his face in his hands.

You pulled your arm back, and playfully struck his shoulder with a back-handed smack, "Tony!" You whined, laughing away the guilt of ever telling him you hadn't had your first kiss. It was always a secret, because you didn't want to just be kissed by anyone. It had to be the right person. Tony, obviously, fit that criteria more than sufficiently.

"Aw, Leny," Tony purred moving his face closer to yours. He rubbed his nose across your cheek, leaning closer to your ear where he whispered, "Speak spanish to me baby."

The scent of alcohol lingered in his words. That didn't matter because it couldn't have been enough for him to be shit-faced-drunk. He'd always been one to hold his alcohol well, so taking advantage of the moment and maybe kissing a little wouldn't have been a mis-use of the moment.

You pushed his torso away from your face, laughing. "Tony, baby, have you been drinking?"

"Not really. I must just be intoxicated by your beauty." Tony purred, raising an eyebrow. He was waiting for a reaction, something to put to rest his curiosity of if you'd been flattered by his commentary.

Soon enough, by the wave of red that plastered both cheeks, he knew he'd accomplished what he'd set out to do.

"Leny, Hun, I have an idea." He grabbed your hand, lifting you out of the beautiful, laced seats along the opal flooring. With your hand interlocked in his, he led you out the large tent

Nobody noticed due to the wedding couple dancing on the floor, with pictures being taken, uncles getting drunk, and lonely woman becoming a hot mess on the dance floor.

Tony walked quickly, as if he was on a mission. He wanted to accomplish something, and he wanted to hurry and get to it.

"Tony, where are we going?" You giggled, stepping one foot behind every step he made, now walking along the parking lot.

Before he got a chance to answer your question, he spun you around and pinned you to the side of a car.

With your right hand and his left hand still connected, he took his right hand and extended in against the car.

"Tony what-"

"I'm finally going to show you how to use those pretty little lips for something more than talking." Tony baited.

He leaned his face into your hair once more, and whispered into your ear, "I love you, Leny." Before his lips trailed from your ear, down your cheek, to your lips.

His lips were soft and radiated such a warm, passionate feeling.

The kiss was anything but quick. It was passionate and filled with love.

Using your free hand, your left hand, you lifted it from the side of the vehicle and placed his cheek in your palm, never breaking Away from the kiss.

Finally, you both let go, gasping for air. He tilted his head and seductively stared into your eyes, "so, babe. Tell me, was it worth the wait?"

You looked deeply into his eyes, and went in for another quick kiss. Your lips lingered on his, his lips left a taste so intoxicating and so wonderful, it was addictive.

"I'll take that as a yeah?" Tony smiled, wrapping his right arm around your waist, lifting you up over his shoulder.

He carried you off back towards the sandy beach. The moon looked so ravishing over the ocean sparkling the way it did. Love was in the air tonight.

"Tony, this is uncomfortable" you laughed, getting a nice view of his butt, considering it was pretty much directly in your face, "nice ass though."

You both laughed, and Tony stopped, and gave himself time to re-collect his dignity after slinging you over his shoulder, giving you an all-access-pass to view his bum.

He re-positioned you into a wedding style hold, and plopped down in the sand, you laying across his lap.

He looked down at you, and kissed your neck up and down, "it should be impossible to be that beautiful" Tony bit his lip.


For Leny ♡

(@LenyMKTO )

I'll take imagines requests. 🙈💕

Comment ideas or tweet them to me with your name.

。 ◕‿◕。 @mktofangirls

Xoxo-Jules ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2014 ⏰

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