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A/N this is a short story I thought up while scrolling through the internet

Dear Nixon

Ever since you left people have been talking.Spefically about you.
They keep saying that you only think about yourself.
I remember when I was sick and you made me soup.You stayed with me until I was better even though it meant a few days later you would be sick.
They keep saying that you're rude.
Yet I remember when we found the stray cat and I begged you to keep it.You smiled and said as long as it makes me happy.I still have the cat.
They keep saying that you were spoiled.
Yet I never saw you once asking for anything.Instead you made sure I had everything I needed.
They said that you were bitter.
Yet I've never seen anyone smile brighter than you did on our first date.
They keep saying that you are inconsiderate.
Yet when you wanted to go to the foot ball game but I was upset.Instead you stayed with me and missed it.
They keep painting you with ugly adjectives.Yet that's not how I remember it


P.S. I won't ever believe anything they say I miss you

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