Cosmic love

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Hey again lovely beautiful readers, you know what's funny I forgot to put this fic in FanFiction category so I didn't get a lot of reads now we're up from 10 to 35 in two days, how cool is that?!
Some of you might recognize the title of the chapter, it is also a song name called cosmic love by Florence and the machine, beautiful song so go listen to it, only thing I own is my plot and my OCs
Enjoy 😘

Me and Akami stayed a long time in that restaurant, probably till 3 am, until he got a call from Inuyasha giving us the clear to come back.

"Well it is safe now," Akami said as we walked out of the restaurant.

"Safe from what exactly?" I asked looking up at him.

"The vampires that were there," he said.

"Why were they there?" I mumbled.

"Inuyasha is the vampire king, it is natural that he will have visitors and for a very long time he disappeared, so they were probably checking if he was still alive."

I nodded and looked up at the stars, "we should hurry before he starts thinking you killed me."

"Haha, I agree let's go," he picked me up and ran back to the house.

"Why do you like Misaki?" I asked, he looked down at me and smiled.

"You look like him you know," he said as he stopped running.

"We're not there," I stated as I looked around.

"I know, I thought you needed to talk," he said as he put me down.


"You're worried about something, that's why you asked me about your brother," he started walking away.

"Of course I am worried," I said, "you're a vampire."

"What does me being being a vampire has anything to do with whatever you're worried about?" he looked back at me.

"You need blood to live, you're definitely going to feed on Misaki and you might kill him," I said.

"I told you before I only feed on the willing, unlike your boyfriend who kills whoever buys that cursed house," he said.

"Misaki is my brother."

"No he is not," he looked at me, "he is your half brother."

"He was the one who taught me how to walk, his name was the first word I ever said, he was the one who comforted me when I broke with my first boyfriend, so I don't care if we're not blood related at all, Misaki is my brother, and there is no way on earth or in hell that I will let him date a vampire!"

"Now you're just being a hypocrite, you're in love with the vampire king and yet you want me and Misaki apart."

"I am not..." I mumbled.

"You let him feed on you didn't you?" he asked.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

He didn't say anything else and looked away, "he is kind."

"Excuse me?"

"Misaki... is kind, he is gentle, sweet, stubborn, worry wart, he is very caring, super cute with kids and animals," he said with a tiny smile, "I love his tiny smiles when I do something to make him happy, I love the way his hair feels when I run my hand through it, I enjoy his stories about you, did you know he thinks you're insane?"

I smiled a little and nodded, "he tells me all the time."

"What I feel for your brother can't be described, I have been alive for more than 600 years and not once have I felt this way."

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