Chapter 1

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"Jin!" I called while pushing on my bed frame. I was trying to change things up a bit, Jin and I had started dating so I figured I'd move some furniture around the house for a new beginning. Also, my mother gave us some money for house renovations.

"Yes?" he asked as he appeared, leaning on the doorway.

"I need some help," I huffed while trying to push my bed frame again. Jin walked over beside me and pushed my bed against the wall I wanted it to be near. "Wait, no," I said while shaking my head, "I still need to paint that wall!" Jin moved my bed back with a groan.

"Perfect," I said with a smile across my face.

"You know, I should start paying you for things like these." Jin said while dusting his hands off.

"But I don't have any money," I mumbled while opening my curtains. I was planning on replacing them too. I had no money because I had to quit my job after rejecting Mr Kim. I kinda felt bad for him, though. He seemed pretty lonely, love was probably the only thing money couldn't buy him.

"Maybe you could give me something other than money?" Jin said while leaning his hands on the window seal behind me. His eyes drifted down my body.

I gently slapped Jin on his shoulder as my face grew red. "The only thing you'll be getting at this point is a slap across your face."

"It was just a joke," Jin said with a frown while rubbing his shoulder.

I covered all of the furniture in my room with a few old sheets and pulled the paint buckets that were sitting sitting in the hallway into my room.

"Where are you sleeping?" Jin asked as he watched me struggle to open the paint buckets.

"In the living room," I grinned as the paint lid flew off of the bucket, landing in the middle of the room.

"And if someone breaks in?" Jin asked with a mischievous smile across his face. I reluctantly grabbed my paint brush in concern, thinking about every possible thing that could go wrong.

"No one's going to break in," I mumbled while dipping my brush into the paint. Jin nodded before leaving, probably to start cooking dinner.

The sun began to set and the air grew cool, painting walls was so relaxing, I had the chance to think about life.

I'm about to graduate in a month or so and honestly, I'm scared. I'm still friends with Yoongi, Jimin and Jungkook but I sometimes have to keep my distance when they're "excited to see me and just want a hug," even though they try to get more than a hug. Hobi had still been visiting Jin every so often so I get to see him then. And Namjoon, well, he and Jin got into a bit of a fight when we found out one of his "friends" put a tracker on my phone. I don't think he'll be messing with me too much anymore. My mum is doing well, she's still in hospital at that country she was staying at as it was too risky to fly her back. The doctor said she's doing better, but isn't quite close to recovery.

"Dinner!" Jin called from the kitchen. I quickly put my brush down and ran out of my room. I smiled patiently as Jin served both of our food and sat down in front of me.


"Ah, that was so good," I ginned, satisfied with my meal. Jin gave me a small smile before picking up my plate and taking it to the kitchen.

I did a bit more painting in my room before having a shower and getting changed into my pyjamas. I tiptoed down the dark hall to get to my living room and jumped onto the couch. The cool night a air sent a shiver down my spine as I tried to get comfortable.

"I should've gotten a blanket," I mumbled while curling up into a ball. The couch didn't offer much support, I found myself wishing I was in Jin's warm arms, falling asleep to the sound of his soft breathing... Wait, is that weird? No, he's my boyfriend now, that makes it alright.

I jumped to the frightening sound of the front door handle shaking. My mind skipped back to what Jin said about someone breaking in. My heart beat grew faster and I was frozen in shock. Immediately, I heard the rattle of the door handle again.

"What if it's a murderer?" I mumbled, my hands beginning to tremble. "Or a clown?!" I sprinted down the hallway and ripped Jin's door open. I swan dived into his bed and hid under the covers behind him.

"What's wrong?" He asked in a rough voice while turning towards me.

"The door handle was shakin-" Jin wrapped his arms around my torso and gently pulled me towards him.

"It's okay, it was probably just the wind," he said softly.

"But wha-,"

"You're safe with me,"


I woke up in Jin's bed alone, I partly wished he didn't wake up so early so I didn't have to get up by myself. I walked into my room and quickly got changed. Jin called out my name before I left.

I turned around and saw him running towards me. Jin put his arms around my lower back and smiled down at me.

"Are you doing your last test today?" He asked softly. I nodded in response. "Good luck," he whispered while pecking my cheek and turning me around. My face started heating up as Jin gently pushed me out the door. "Don't be late!" He said as I walked down the porch steps.

"I won't," I said while waving.

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