Chapter 2

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"Wait, so did you end up being killed by the clown?" Yoongi asked while tilting his head to the side.

"No," I giggled while slapping his shoulder. "Were you even listening?"

He nodded while pouting. "You could have just come to my house instead of sleeping with him." I stared up at him with a confused look.

"He's my boyfriend." Suga rolled his eyes. "Plus, the killer would've been at the front door so I wouldn't be able to leave."

"Whatever," he mumbled.

The day was slow and bland. I longed for the end of the year when the great burden of school would be lifted off my shoulders. I would finally be able to be with Ji-

"Y/n," I looked away over from the window I was staring into. Jimin was standing in front of my desk.

"Everyone has left, school's over." He said with a patient smile. I threw my bag over my shoulder and skipped out of the school with Jimin. We said our goodbyes and parted to go our separate ways.

"I'm home~" I sang while swinging the front door open.

The living room was empty. Weird I mumbled to myself as I checked Jin's bedroom. As I walked into the kitchen, my eyes drifted down to a pink sticky note sitting on the counter.

I had a job interview today, it must've gone well since they said they wanted me to work a last minute night shift, I'm really sorry. See you tomorrow.
-Jin xx

My stomach grumbled and my smile faded as I finished reading the note. Slowly, I walked over to the fridge.

"Who am I kidding?" I mumbled to myself. "I can't cook," I decided not to have dinner and walked over to the couch. I sighed as I plopped myself down and closed my eyes.


My eyes slowly opened to the sound of the front door opening.

"Jin?" I mumbled while rolling over on the couch. I stood up slowly and watched as he walked into the kitchen and drank a cup of water.

"Did I wake you up?" He asked while washing his cup.

"Kinda," I mumbled while rubbing my eye. Jin walked over to me and hugged me softly.

"I'm going to go to bed now, and you should too it's 4am." He kissed my forehead and quickly walked into his room. I sat on the couch and slowly drifted off to sleep.

My morning was bland, Jin had gone grocery shopping and I had to get ready alone.


"Now, you guys should have enrolled in your chosen universities by now," my teacher said in a monotone voice while looking at the class over his glasses.

"I don't even know the universities in my City," I mumbled while running my hands through my hair.

"Y/n," my teacher said while staring directly at me. "You seem eager to share what university you're going to." The whole class turned towards me. I quickly shook my head.

My teacher rolled his eyes and moved on.

"Jungkook, what about you?"

I had never even thought about attending university. I should ask Jin about it.

Finally, the day came to an end and I could go home.

"Jin!" I smiled while opening the front door. "I've got a question," I mumbled while looking around the house. Gone again I mumbled while sitting down on a stool and looking at the note he left me.

Work again. See you Tomorrow.

Many words were re-written and scribbled out, like he was tired while writing them. My stomach grumbled and my eyes drifted down to the fridge. For the first time in a while, I felt lonely.

I slowly opened it and peered down to the bottom shelf.

"Beer's supposed to make you happy, right?" I mumbled while pulling a can or two out of the fridge.  I sat down on the couch and went my phone for a while.


Me: Mr Part

Me: Park*

Jimin: Hey :)

Jimin: Why are you texting me so late?

Me: im looooooooneeelllyyyy hahahaha

Me: JIn is still ar worth

Me: aT work*

Jimin: You're totally drunk haha I need to see this

Jimin: I'll be over in a minute


I heard the front door open and I instantly ran to hug Jin as he returned from work. Well, I guess I stumbled over to the door.

"Woah, careful," he said as I wrapped my legs around his hips and hugged him tightly.

"Wait," I mumbled while looking up at him, my head was spinning and I couldn't see properly but something was off. "You're Jimin!" I said in slurred words as I bursted out in laughter. I don't even know why I found this so funny.

"How much did you drink?" He asked as he carried me over to my couch and sat me down on it.

"Thiiiiis much!" I said while pulling up my hand and hovering my index finger over my thumb, insinuating I only had a little.

"Yeah, yeah," he chuckled while pulling his phone out of his pocket. My eyes quickly grew heavy as I drifted off to sleep.


He was sitting across from me on his phone when I woke up. At least that's what I thought as my vision was very blurry.

"Jiiin!" I groaned while crawling over to him, trying to get his attention.

"You never get to spend time with me anymore," I snatched his phone away and sat on his lap, facing him.

"Why are you laughing?" I grumbled while folding my arms. My head felt really heavy and was starting to hurt a little. I pulled his phone up to my face.

"Are you texting someone else?" I asked while trying to look at his phone, even though I couldn't really read right now.

"I thought I was special to you?" I mumbled while looking down.

"You are special," he responded in a friendly manor.

"Why don't you show me how special I am to you then?" I said while lifting up his shirt. I was trying to speak as naturally as possible but some words came out slurred.

"Stop tempting me," he said aggressively while pushing my down on the couch and hovering over me.

"You're not usually like this, Jin," I mumbled while squinting up at him.

Suddenly, I heard the door handle shake.

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