Chapter 7

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We move on from the conversation and explains that all I have to do is picture the wolf in my dream. Wait how does she know about that? "Well everyone who is a werewolf has a dream about their wolf" she says "however, you do have the basic principle of transformation, so all I want you to do is picture the wolf from your dream" she says. How the hell does mom know about that? Sandra must have read my mind since she gives me a smug look; "every one has a dream about fighting a wolf, when they are our cined anyway". I'm so confused, in my dream, was I supposed to be fighting? A hand clicks in my face and the distant voice of my Mum wasn't so distant "earth to (Y/N) come in (Y/N)"

I snap out of my thoughts, mum huffing in annoyance, "honey, I need to prepare you for tonight, and teach you how to fight like a wolf" she says calmly. "Now then, imagine the wolf from your dream, what does it look like?" I close my eyes, and picture the first wolf in the mirror.

Suddenly, I feel, strange. Pain? No, more like a bearable disconfert. I feel my clothes disappear as a prickly feeling emerges, not enough so that it hurts though. My, bones change shape under my skin, this does feel like my dragon form. As soon as I think that the rate of transition increases rapidly but it doesn't feel wolf like.

I open my eyes and am great with a stunned mother. "What's wrong mum?" I ask concerned, "I... can't believe this, this has never happened before, how are you still able to transform into a dragon?" Shs blurts out. I look at my hands... claws, gold, non-reflective gold and dagger like scales as white as an anti-void. "Is there a problem with me being a dragon? I know my scales have changed colour" I say nonchalantly.

I probably should be freaking out, but to be honest,these past few days have been the worst case of, weird. So, I'm not that bothered, plus I have changed into a dragon for the loneliest part of 15 years, having scales for skin is in the norm. Exempt for the white sales!

"Not even Vladimir of the terror pack could keep his bat metamorphosis, although, he does have bat wings on his wolf to compensate" mum says tapping her chin with her finger, as though deep in thought. She shakes her head, to shake of her current thoughts it seams, and approaches as I turn back into a human, with wolf ears and tail of corse. She clamps her hands down firmly on my shoulders, looks me straight in the eyes, her deep ocean pools flicker with worry and concern. "(Y/N) Wolfender," oh, ow, she's using my full name, they gave me the last name since I joined their family. Any way, her voice is so searios with fright lacing it, "I need you to promise me something." Mum's posture tenses as her mind battles her muscular hands, so they don't tighten any more and crush my bones. "Don't ever, reveal this to anyone else but me, what you have just shown me, is dangerous to us, our pack. Show them your wolf, not you dragon, nor your hybrid." She let's go and spins around, not letting me see her face "trust me, if you reveal that to them you will have to run!" She spins around on her heals, pounces toward me, clutching my arms whilst shaking violently, a picture of inconsolable greafe plastered on her face, tears flow down forming tributaries "promise me!" She bellows, voice cracking.

I can't take this anymore, for someone having a mental break down like this and not even knowing me for a day? Yet I feel like I know her, I can't even conceive how. Who could have known that two very simple words would hold such significance and change the corse of my new life. "I promise" instantly her features softened as I wipe Away the very lest tear. "Good, when a werewolf promise something" mum sniffles the snot that threatens to drip as she faces in the opposite direction from me. "They are eternally bound to keep it unless I revoke the promise" her voice is soft with a saddening grief woven in.

She steps away from me once again "practice transition until it becomes second nature, then and only then can I teach you how to fight". I practice and I practice the dragon features on my wolf form slowly disappear with every transformation until all that's left are two hours which refiews to go. After hours of trying time grows short "right that's enough, not all your dragon features need to go just most of them, now we fight".

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