Chapter 17- One Step too far

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Chapter 17- One Step too far

The decision to walk over to Mel's house had come up trumps this afternoon. It was scorchingly hot, the air seemed thick- like a tangible, layer of heat I could pull apart with my fingernails. I was dressed in very little. Unable to stand the heat, I had pulled on a pair of shorts and vest top. Usually, I wouldn't have dared to get my long, gangly legs out, but it felt almost free to bare my legs to the burning sun. The familiar ivy fronted house came into view, and I sighed slightly in relief that I would be able to enter the cool, air conditioned safety of the house. 

Just as I was about to knock on the door, a scantily clad girl came bursting out. She looked distraught, her straightened blonde hair seemed to crackle slightly from the potency of her indignation. She took one look at me, gave a huff of disgust and frustration, looking like she had sucked a lemon from her expression, and stormed off down the road. 

I followed her in amusement, eyebrows raised as she made her way. Greg really had no shame whatsoever, but I did wonder what he had done to get that girl so riled up. He usually kept them sweeter than that, I rolled my eyes to no-one in particular. 

I entered the house, not bothering to knock. It was practically my second home after all, even Greg relented that I he couldn't be asked to answer the door for me anymore, so I should just let myself in. I went straight to the kitchen, attracted by the loud voices echoing all the way to the front door. 

"Why are you such a dick Greg?" Mel yelled. 

"Me? What have I done?" Greg shouted. I closed the door quietly behind me, attempting to produce no sound on my entrance. 

"You know mum hates it when you bring girls round when we're home." Mel reminded him.

"What does it matter? She's gone now" Greg retorted. Mel huffed in frustration at his obliviousness. 

"Dad got in contact last week, or have you already forgotten? You know Mum's upset, and you just had to make it worse!" Mel cried, her tone drained from his selfishness. 

"I didn't think..." Greg mumbled, sounding slightly ashamed. Now the shouting had died down, I took that as why cue to enter the kitchen. 

"Never a truer word has come from your mouth." Mel said scornfully, before she looked up at me. 

"Hey Maddy, give me a minute will you" She smiled softly, but the smile didn't remotely touch her eyes. The smile left her face as she looked at Greg with disdain:

"Maybe you and him share more than just looks Greg" She spat, watching the combination of shame and fury flit across his face. I knew exactly how much he would hate being compared to his father, who he despised with such intensity. 

She ran upstairs, before I could offer any words of comfort. I heard the door slam faintly from upstairs. I frowned in anxiety. I hated seeing Mel cry, and so did Greg. It took a lot to knock that confidence of hers ( a confidence that both siblings shared).  I spun around to glare at him, but found my gaze softening at the childlike, forlorn look on his face. He looked almost like a chastised child. The sadness looked unnatural on his face, his was a face designed for happiness. 

"I think you should find a way to make it up to them Greg, and fast" I urged, scrutinizing him for his reaction.

"I will" He said in a low voice, seeming lost in thought. 

"What was that girl in such a foul mood for?" I asked, hoping I wasn't pushing my luck. This was within the boundaries of our relationship, surely? 

"What girl?" He replied, feigning ignorance. I snorted at his attempt to cover up. In my peripheral vision, I registered his gaze trailing over my bare legs, I gulped. 

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