No Pain, No Game

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Nicky's POV

It was kind of brutal here on the island. The girls were separated completely. Bridget was cleaning her surf board, Gwen was writing in her diary, LaShawna was eating a bag of chips kind of loudly, which bothered Heather and Lindsay, who were reading magazines. I myself was sitting in a tree, watching for the yacht to get here. I missed Duncan like crazy.

The nightmares were okay, I only got up in the middle of the night twice. It may seem bad, but hey. It's better than usual. Must have been the hoodie. I looked up when the yacht pulled up, honking it's horn. The guys were dancing to loud music, and slide off the boat. It looks like they had fun. I climbed down from the tree, and ran to Duncan. He saw me, and we hugged. I lifted my legs and wrapped them around him. He chuckled. "Miss me?" he teased. I buried my head into his neck.

"Only a lot" I said. He chuckled again, and shifted me so that I was resting on his back.

I tuned out the bragging of the other guys, and Owen crying about the chocolate flowers that LaShawna threw a shoe at. The guys were saying something about being tighter than family, and were about to high five, when Chris came onto the speaker. "Listen up, campers. As of right now, all teams are officially dissolved. From here on in, its every camper for themselves" he said.

"Well, uh. It's about time we flew solo" said Duncan, and they turned away from each other. I giggled, and Duncan smirked. "Well, you and I can be a team" he said quietly to me. I nodded. "For sure" I said. "Oh, I am so feeling that. Bring it on, Chris!" LaShawna exclaimed. "Then, get ready for this!" said the speaker as there was a yacht horn. We all turned, and I felt scared instantly. I knew that my skin was pale and I felt like shaking.

"Who's that?" asked Heather. But, I barely heard her. I knew I was shaking. "Baby? What's up?" Duncan asked, noticing my change in behavior. I clung onto him. "It's him" I whispered. Duncan must have figured out what I meant, because he basically got whiplash from turning his head.

The yacht stopped at the dock, and Duncan backed away. I slid off his back, and hid into his back. Claude stepped off the yacht, and scanned us. He was looking for me. "Everyone, meet Claude. Nicky's boyfriend" Chris announced. "Wait, wait, wait. I thought Doug was Vicky's boyfriend?" asked Lindsey. Claude smirked as his eyes landed on Duncan. "Where is that little traitor?" he asked, his voice raspy as though he had too many cigerettes. I took a deep breath and stepped into his view. He wouldn't hurt me on national TV. "Where is she?" I asked, referring to Sammy, my sister. "With a few friends. I do believe you recall Ursula and Josh? The people who work at the pound?" he asked with a smug look. My eyes widened. Ursula and Josh work at the pound. I knew that if I stepped out of line, they would put her down like a dog on Claude's orders.

My breathing increased. He moved his finger in a 'come here' motion. I sent a regretful look to Duncan, and shuffled over to him. Claude put an arm around my shoulder in a rough way, and I stiffened. Bridget, Geoff, DJ, Gwen and LaShawna quickly caught onto who this was, and glared at him.

"Um, okay. Now, returning to camp, Izzy!" Chris announced, obviously a little nervous. He seemed to know who Claude was. I heard a yell, and Izzy came in, swooping from a vine. I wanted to go hug her, and went to take a step, but Claude tightened his grip on my shoulder, stopping me.

Everyone seemed scared that Izzy was returning, but not me. I was excited that she was back. "Hey guys! It's good to be back at camp! Even though I never actually left the island. I've been living in the woods all this time!' said Izzy. She seemed the same, insane Izzy. But, I noticed she narrowed her eyes at Claude a bit.

"But, I though the RSCMP hunted you down" said Gwen. "They tried. But, being a wilderness survivor, I was swift footed and avoided capture" she said as she took out a fish and ate it raw. "What is wrong with that girl?" asked Claude. I narrowed my eyes a bit at him, but he didn't see. Duncan kept glaring at Claude, and seemed like he wanted to fight this instant. And Duncan could probably beat him. Claude was a bit shorter, and had a bit of a belly. But, when he got started, Claude will beat you. That is, if you didn't know how to fight. I knew Duncan knew how to fight. But, I shook my head at him with a pleading look. He sighed, and nodded.

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