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Dougie's POV 

No. No. No. It wasn't real. Whatever I had just witnessed clearly wasn't real. It was a figment of my imgination. It couldn't be real. My eyes were playing tricks on me. Something was wrong with my brain. I refused to believe what I had just seen was real. I'd scampered away from the alleyway and ran around the corner, the cold evening wind whipping through my hair. I'd found a bench around the corner from Starbucks and sat down with a heavy thud. I was trembling. My whole body was trembling uncontrollably. I closed my eyes as tight as I could. The muffled screams of that poor girl echoed through my mind. The flash of the knife was imprinted in my mind. He hadn't seemed fazed one bit. He acted as if it was nothing. Like he'd done it before. I lurched forward, my stomach violently rolling as I heaved. Because he had done it before. Tom had killed before. I was shaking now more aggressively. I heaved a few more times and coughed. I opened my eyes and rubbed my hands over my face. I'd witnessed one of my best friends murder a girl. A girl was dead because of Tom. I started rocking backwards and forward. It was too much to take in. I couldn't take it in. I couldn't process it. My mind wanted to reject it. My whole body wanted to reject it. What was I supposed to do? Was I supposed to go to the police and tell them what I had saw? How many other girls had he... had he murdered? I felt my stomach lurch again and I threw up this time. I sat there, the chilly wind cooling down my sweaty neck and forehead. I used the my sleeve of my jacket to wipe myself, and pulled myself up off the bench. I needed to get home. I started to walk in the direction of home. My legs were wobbly, and I  could feel my hands trembling. I shoved them into the pockets of my jeans and tried to quicken my pace. I could hear people shouting and yelling, laughing and jeering. I avoided going down the main streets, and headed down a few back streets. I eventually made it home. Everyone else was asleep when I got home. I tried my best to be quiet as I could. I tiptoed up the stairs and headed into my room. I closed the door and collapsed onto my bed. I kicked my shoes off and then sat up. My room was completely dark, apart from the small amount of moonlight which was gleaming on my bedroom floor. I took my hat off and it landed softly on the floor. I ran both of my hands through my hair, and let my head fall into my hands. My hands had finally stopped trembling, but I still felt incredibly sick and my head was starting pound. I couldn't handle it. I couldn't handle what I had seen. I couldn't handle seeing that girl's terrified. The look on Tom's face. The sound of her muffled screams. I gripped my hair tightly, and tried to push the images out of my head. How could I sit here, knowing there was a lifeless girl lying somewhere in a dark alley? How could I sit here knowing one of my best friends had murdered her? I could feel my chest tightening and my breaths were coming out short and sharp. Breathe Dougie, relax. I took a deep and slow breaths. I lay down on my bed, and closed my eyes. I tried to slow my breathing down. Eventually, I'd calmed myself down and narrowly avoided a panic attack. I tried to focus on something, anything. I imagined I was playing bass. I felt the instrument in my grasp, my fingers gently playing with the strings. The low hum that came from it, vibrating through my fingertips. Slowly, but eventually I managed to fall to sleep. It wasn't as peaceful as I hoped it would be. I'd been asleep for the grand total of an hour, when I bottled up in bed. My neck and forehead were dripping in sweat, and my whole body was shivering. A horrific and sickening thought had occurred to me during my sleep. Tom had not only killed that girl in the alley. But, he killed someone else. That day he had come to my house. The day he had told me and Danny to go and ask Amy and Erica out. He'd gotten us to distract them. He'd gone somewhere. He'd gone to kill Maddy. He murdered Maddy and I was 100% sure he'd killed Mary too. I jumped up off my bed, thundered through the house and collapsed on my knees in front of the toilet, as I threw my guts up. My best friend was a killer. 

Mollie's POV 

I spent two days with Erica and Amy. Two days to fully grieve both Mary and Maddy's deaths. All in all, I felt slightly better. I felt better that I'd stayed with my best friends and grieved our best friend's deaths. I was still heartbroken. But, the three of us had spoken to both Mary's parents and Maddy's parents and now knew the arrangements for both funerals. I still couldn't get my head around the fact that someone had killed both of my best friends. It was finally dawning on me, that someone had done this. Someone had decided to take the lives of two amazing and beautiful people. I wanted revenge. I wanted justice. 

'Hey, how you doing?' Amy's voice broke through my thought process. She was leaning against my door frame. Her face was pale and there were dark bags under her eyes, they were partly hidden by her glasses. 

'I'm doing okay' I answered truthfully. She nodded. 

'I just still can't wrap my head around it' I blurted out. 

'I know, but the police are doing their best' She said reassuringly. I nodded. Amy gave me a tired smile and left me alone. My phone buzzed, and I took it off charge. I looked at the name popping up on my screen. Tom. I opened the message. 

'Hey, think we could meet up? Feels like I haven't seen you in ages. x' That's because I'd purposely been avoiding you, I thought to myself. I hadn't called or text Tom since he dropped me off from University, three days ago. After the conversation's I'd heard him have on the phone, something felt different. I still thought maybe it was because of the grief and heart break I was feeling. I text him back. 

'Sure, you can come and pick me up x' I sent the message and un-crossed my legs as I got off the bed. Amy was in the living room on her own. She was watching TV, a cup of tea in her hand and the biscuit tin balancing on her lap. She'd been staying here lately, and had told the Uni she wouldn't be back for a while. I'd done the same. 

'Where's Erica?' I asked, slipping my shoes on. 

'She's gone to talk to the hospital, and then she said she was meeting up with Dougie or something' Amy said, taking a bite of a digestive. I nodded and put my jacket on. 

'Where you off to?' Amy asked, with a mouthful of biscuit. 

'I'm going out with Tom, haven't seen him in a few days' I replied, running a hand through my hair. I thought I saw something flicker in Amy's eyes, but it was gone before I could be sure I had seen something. 

'Okay' She answered, before looking back at the TV. I mumbled a goodbye and left the apartment. I'd wait for Tom outside. Today was much cooler. The sun was trying to break through the clouds, and there was a warmish breeze about. I leaned against the small wall, and waited for Tom. After 10 minutes of waiting, he pulled up. 

'Hey' I said, getting into the car. He smiled at me and leaned over. His lips brushed my cheek and despite feeling off, it felt nice to have him near me again. 

'Where do you wanna go?' He asked. I shrugged. 

'We can go back to mine, and watch some movies if you want?' He asked. I nodded. We headed to Tom's. I was silent all the way there. Nothing felt off now. Maybe I had been over thinking things. It was the grief it was making me feel weird. We arrived at Tom's and headed into the building. I made myself at home on Tom's sofa, whilst he made us popcorn and got us drinks. We ended up watching Peter Pan, The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast. 

'Okay, I need the toilet' I'd lasted through three films but I couldn't hold my wee in any longer. Tom removed his arm from around me, and let me go to the toilet. I closed the bathroom door and locked it. I was starting to feel normal. A lot more normal than I had been feeling for days. I washed my hands and searched for a towel to dry them on. I opened one of the drawers, and pulled a towel out. Something tinkled on the floor. I frowned and then froze. Mary's friendship bracelet was lying on the floor of the bathroom. It was a pale blue bracelet, made of cotton. It had an M scribbled on a heart sticker which clung onto the cotton string. I knew it was Mary's because I'd made it her and given it her in our first year at high school. I slowly bent down and picked it up delicately. My eyes widen as I noticed the distinct colour. Dark red. There was dried blood on Mary's bracelet, that had been hidden in the drawer in Tom's bathroom. 

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