Chapter 3

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        Years have gone by and it is Senior Year, true to Bucky's prediction, he is the most popular guy in school. Steve is not the popular one. But that suits me just fine. 

Steve makes sure that Bucky's head doesn't get too big and the three of us are closer than ever.

        But that may change soon. 

These last few years have been interesting for me. I've pretty much stayed away from people. Only going around Bucky and Steve. I've made one good friend other than them. The reason for this is that in my first year some girls decided it would be fun to play the new girl. And since then I have been distrustful of most of the girls in my school.

        And I'm not friends with the guys either. They kept hitting on me. That is why I stay with Steve and Bucky. And when I'm not with them I'm with my best friend, Mary Smith.

        Mary is a tomboy. 

She hates skirts and dresses, and has an odd obsession with rabbits. She is my closest friend who is a female. 

        I've excelled in school. I could have graduated two years ago, but I wanted to stay with Steve and Bucky and graduate with them. Which will be the end of this semester.

        Recently though, I've been offered to go to a school in England. It is a college, and not just any college. It's one of the best colleges in the world. And if I went, I would have the chance to learn from the best. 

The best scientists. Such as a Dr. Abraham Erskine. The best doctors. 

Even mechanics! Like the most eligible bachelor Howard Stark.

        I wouldn't just be getting one degree, I would be getting three to seven. That's a lot of degrees. 

And I really want to go. 

But, I won't be able to see Steve and Bucky that much anymore. I would also be in England, which means that flying back and forth would be extremely expensive. So, I may not come back until I'm finished with school. Which would take two to four years.

I simply don't know what to do.


        Today was a sunny day, the birds were singing, and the trees swayed in the wind. And here I was, walking around the park with my friend Mary. I had told her about the letter and we were discussing my options, when suddenly she asked me a very personal question. 

        "So, Adelaide... Do you have a date for the dance?" Mary asked me, not being subtle in any way. I looked at her with big doe eyes. "You forgot didn't you?" 

        "Ummmmm, what dance?" I asked sheepishly

        "You did! How could you forget? The end of the year dance? Almost all of the guys want to go with you. They just don't have the guts to ask." Mary said.

        I shrugged, I completely, honestly, forgot. What with the college stuff, I didn't think about much else. "Well, do you have a date?" I asked her. Knowing Mary, she probably would. What with her flaming red hair, green eyes, flawless pale skin, and killer dance moves... She's bound to have a date.

        "Not yet," Mary told me reluctantly.

        I stared at her. "Really? Why not? I know why I don't have a date. But you! That's like not possible for you to not have been asked." I said.

        "I'm waiting for the right guy. I've been asked but not by him," she told me.

        I nodded, I knew just who that guy was too. "Mary, he is an idiot. But I'll try to get him to ask you. Or at least talk to you more."

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