Chapter 10

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"Hello everyone, the author came back with a new chapter." Hancock said.

"Yes, she apologize for updating very late. She is having a hard time thinking on what the next chapter is about." Sandersonia said.

"She would really appreciate if you will give request on the story." Marigold said.

"Here is the next chapter." Hancock said.

Got Transferred

Nami woke up and prepared herself for school. She was waiting for Robin so they can go to school together. Robin was ready and went to school with Nami. While they were walking, they were talking about last night.

"So why don't you want to join any gang. Don't you want to join one your friend's gang." Robin

"First of all, like I said last night, I have a terrible burden with gangs. Secondly, I'm not sure if they are my friends because we just met." Nami said.

"Well, they were asking you to sit at their table. I think they are your friends." Robin said.

"I'm not sure about that. We don't hang out much but we'll see." Nami said.


As Nami said goodbye to Robin and went to her class, she bumped into Hancock.

"Oh, hi Hancock." Nami said happily.

"Hi Nami, are you going to your class ?" Hancock asked.

"Yeah, why ?" she asked.

"Because I have exciting news." she said excitedly.

"What is the good news, did Luffy fall for you that he propose ?" she said sarcastically.

"No but that would be the best thing that will ever happen to me. I got transferred to your class!" she said happily.

"That is so great! Why did you get transferred." Nami asked.

"Well, the school was still working on which class I was suppose to be so I just stayed in a temporary class. And then the results came in today and I am in your class. I am so happy to see my friend everyday." she said.

"That is great news. But I got to warn you, things can go crazy in the class." Nami said.

"I know. I just can't wait to see Luffy." Hancock said while picturing her and Luffy together.

"Ok, let's walk to class together." Nami said while chuckling.


As soon as they were in front of their class's door, they can clearly hear a fight going on.

"Again !?" Nami said.

"What is it ?" Hancock asked.

"Zoro and Sanji are fighting just like they did yesterday." Nami answered. "They are a friends of Luffy."

"Ok." she said. As they went inside, Sanji saw Hancock and immediately turned into a gentleman.

"Why is the most popular girl doing here in hell ?" he asked gently.

"Um, she is our classmate. She just got transferred." Nami said.

"Really !? Then we have two beautiful angels in hell !" Sanji said while there are hearts in his eyes and twirling around the room.

"Alright, so I guess I have to get use to this class." Hancock said.

"Don't worry, you'll get over it." Nami said.

Hancock looked around the room and saw Luffy. She gasped at the man she is staring at. She had the color red on her cheeks.

"Luffy, you look so adorable when you smile or when you the stupidest things. The things that you do makes me want to squeal." Hancock thought while putting the back of her hand on her forehead.

"Why don't you go talk to him." Nami said.

"But I don't know what to say." Hancock said.

"Oi Hammock, you are our classmate now ? That is great!" Luffy said

Hancock gasped at the comment. "He said that is great that I am his classmate! Does that mean he saying he loves me !?" Hancock thought.

"Why don't we seat on our seats." Nami said.

"Ok, can I sit next to you ?" Hancock asked.

"Really ? I thought you want to sit next to your crush." Nami said.

"No, I am not sure I can handle it. Besides, I want to sit next to my friend." Hancock said.

"Actually, make that best friend." Nami said.

"Ok." Hancock said happily.

"Alright,can everyone take their seats. We are about the new lessons." Shanks said while coming to the room. "I am aware that there is another student who got transferred. Welcome miss Hancock."

"Thank you sensei." Hancock said.

"Alright let's start with today's lesson." Shanks said.

"That is all for today. The author has announcement to make." Marigold said.

"Yes, she has a trip with her family on Tuesday." Sandersonia said.

"She said that she won't be able to post on Tuesday but if the hotel they are going has good internet, she will post at least two chapters for each of her fanfic. So please be don't complain on why she is not posting chapters." Hancock said.

"Thank you for reading." Sandersonia said.

"Please vote, follow the author and share the Fanfics." Marigold said.

"Goodbye." Hancock said.

New World Academy (One Piece Fanfic) [On Hold]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora