Chapter 12

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"Horo horo horo horo horo, hello all. My name is Perona. And we have a new chapter for all of you." she said.

"Grrrr, she is right. This is the second chapter for the day. And all those lovely ladies out there. Will you be my lovely bride." Absolam asked.

"Oi Absolam, if you want a bride, then you should've gotten a corpse and given it to me." Dr. Hogback.

"I told you! I want a living woman! Not a zombie! Plus it's impossible to bring back the dead now. Master Moria is dead." Absolam said sadly.

"Let's not think of that. We have to do the intro." Perona said.

Surprise Guest

When Nami went back to her dorm room, instead of seeing her roommate, she saw Law. "What are you doing in my room ?!" she asked.

"I actually called Nico-ya if I can come over. When I came, Robin was about to leave until she told me to just wait for a few hours for her to come back." Law said.

"Alright, do you want bread ?" Nami asked as she put down her bag.

"No, I hate bread." Law said.

"Hate is a strong word. Then how about some orange juice." she asked.

"Sure." Law said as he got comfortable on the bed.

Nami got two oranges and cut both of them in half. She squeezed the juices out of the orange using the handmade juicer. It was hard for her to squeeze the juices. Suddenly, she felt hands touching hers. She turned around and saw Law behind her. She blushed and said "W-What are y-you doing ?".

"I'm helping. It looked like you needed assistance." Law said.

"T-Thank you." Nami said looking away from Law's gaze.

Once they were done, they put the juices in the two glasses. They took their drinks and sat on Nami's bed. There was a little awkward silence until it was broken by Nami.

"So why are you here ?" Nami asked.

"I just wanted to ask you if you have any troubles in your studies." Law asked.

"Not really." Nami said.

"Well if you do, don't hesitate to call me." Law said.

"Why you ?" Nami asked.

"Because I have the highest grade in the class." he said.

"Oh, I see." Nami said. She put her glass on her nightstand. Law also put his glass next to her glass at the same time, making their faces close. This made Nami blush so hard. There was a small gap between their lips. His breath was running over her lips giving her chills on her spine.

"I'm sorry." Nami said.

"For what ?" he asked.

"For making this awkward." she said.

"But it was not awkward. You know, since you gave me something sweet as that orange juice. I will give you a present." Law said seductively in her ear. Nami can see where this is going.

"Law, I know what you are about to do but I don't thi-" before she can finish her sentence, Law put his finger in front of her lips. He whispered "Shhhhh.". Nami was silent and wait on what is about to happen next. The next thing she knew, he closed the gap between their lips.

Nami was sharing this moment with Law as she laid on the bed, making Law follow. Her hands were over his back and her hands roamed around his back.

Law was smirking in his mind on how he kissed the woman of his dreams. He then rolled to the right so that Nami can be on top of him. His hands roamed around her back and hair.

They started to hear someone knocking on the door.

"Who is it ?" Nami asked.

"It's you bestie. I came here to surprise you. I was wondering if we can spend time together." Hancock said.

"I'm sorry, I think it is better if we don't talk about this." Nami whispered to Law. "Please don't tell anyone."

"I won't tell anyone. I promise." Law said as he got out of bed and fixed himself. Nami also fixed her hair and clothes. As Nami opened the door and greeted her bestie. "Hey, it's good to see you."

Law then went behind, "Nami-ya, I'm gonna go now. Goodbye." he said and left.

"What was he doing in your room ?" Hancock asked as she entered the room. "Wait, two drinks. Bed untidy. Your scent on him. You two were making out." Hancock said happily.

"First of all, I didn't know you can smell my scent on him. Secondly, yes we were making out but I don't want anyone to know. Only you, me and Law will know about this ok. Don't tell anyone." Nami said.

"Alright, I promise." Hancock said. "So what's it like to have your first kissed ?" Hancock asked.

"Surprisingly,it's too rough. He keeps on kissing me really hard. He even tried to use his tongue. It was nice but that was too soon." Nami said.

"I won't say it was rough. I would say it was passionate." Hancock said.

"I hope things will go well tomorrow." Nami said.

"Horo horo horo horo horo, my my. They kissed, huh. It might be a good thing." Perona said.

"Grrr, no one kisses my previous bride but me." Absolam said.

"Now don't go complaining. Oh yeah, the author would like to apologize for updating late. She had to ask her readers who reads this on who will do the intro next. She is begging you to comment the next three characters who will do the intro next. You have to give her the name, not like 'get three from the Supernovas or Marines' and blah blah blah. She would like to thank Onepieceloveranime for helping her with the character. That is all. Thank you for reading." Dr Hogback said.

"Don't forget to comment, vote and follow the author." Perona said.

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