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Charlie's POV

Breakfast at the Roadhouse was awesome, not only because they have the best coffee and food in town and Duane is a really nice guy but also because I actually met some old friends there that didn't even know I was back. I hadn't been going out since I returned so it was fun to catch up. Most of all though it was because I was sitting beside Tony and we laughed and fooled around like teenagers and I felt so content and happy.

"Tony, did you look after Luke like you promised?" I asked at some point when my brain starts working again and I slowly come down from my pink cloud into reality.

He looks at me and pulls me close hugging me and kissing my head. "Hey, Charlie, of course, I promised, didn't I? While I am away he is with Mike and they are already best buddies. Mike told me to say hi, when I find you and that he is happy for us. He was really a good friend these last weeks. And the same goes for Jaxin, he sends his greetings as well. I wouldn't know where I'd been without their help."

After we are done with eating we decide to walk back to Tony's place, apparently he stays in one of the cute houses in Kingsley street. He tells me he enjoys that he can walk around without being constantly approached by fans because Australia is so far away from everything most people don't even know who he is and the ones that know are used to seeing celebrities making holidays here and are nice and kindly ask for an autograph and that's it. So our walk is pleasant and we can be on our own most of the time. We hold hands and the smile never leaves our faces.

We reach his place and it is the cutest little house, it is all white and has coloured glass windows and polished hardwood floors and ornate doorways. I immediately fall in love with it but I don't have a lot of time to look around because Tony sneaks up to me from behind and grabs me and pushes me to the wall kissing me passionately.

We break the kiss because we both have to catch our breath and he whispers. "My God, Charlie I have been dreaming and longing for this to happen I still can't believe it's real." He slowly kisses down my neck very gingerly.

I smile at him. "Same here, to be honest I am a little nervous, I know it's silly, you saw me at least half naked a couple of times." I giggle nervously. "But it feels like the first time."

He stops and looks at me with wide eyes. "Same here." He laughs and shakes his head. "Look at the two of us. We couldn't wait to have each other and now we are all anxious and shy." Then he takes my hand and leads me to the bedroom where he softly pushes me onto the bed and lays himself beside me. "We don't have to rush things, we've got all the time in the world to make this a special moment."

And so he just stares at me and softly caresses my skin. We take it slow and explore the other with our eyes first and then our hands and our lips. Ever so slowly undressing each other piece by piece until we feel comfortable with each other. I don't know why we felt that way but it was probably when you want something so damn much and then you suddenly get it you get afraid you might not be good enough, as if you don't deserve to be that happy and fear something might happen to wreck it all again.

We did not just have sex, we made love. Trying to be so gentle and careful as if we fear the other might be just an illusion and would be shattered to pieces by ones actions.

It was awesome and I lay cuddled in his arms afterwards and couldn't stop smiling, we doze off for a while when I wake up to Tony kissing my neck. I giggle because it tickles me which makes him trying to tickle me even more. We start fun wrestling and I end up pinned down on my back with my hands above my head and Tony on top of me, straddling my hips. "Wow, that's a position I like" he grins and start caressing my exposed breast with his lips. I can't help but moan at the sensation. "Oh, ready for round two, I guess." He purrs like a wildcat and that turns me on even more. This time we get wild and our bodies seem to melt into each other moving in perfect rhythm and synchronicity.

We spend the rest of the day in bed just cuddling and feeling the other so close. I lay in Tonys arms thinking this is the man I want to be with forever and always but I will have to ask him and I will have to tell him. But just not now. Let me just cherish the moment while it lasts, just not now. There will be time for it later. I turn around and he pulls me close again spooning me and while I avert my face the tears silently run down my cheeks, wetting the pillow.

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