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Tonys POV

Leaving her is the hardest part.
We drove down to Sydney together because she would have to organise things with the embassy and would stay with a friend of hers until she gets her visa.

The drive was pleasant and we stopped a couple of times to eat and relax and switched who would drive, she told me about the towns and landscapes we passed and shared little stories and funny events of when she visited these places as a child.

She was adorable in trying to entertain me and she practically glowed with joy to be able to share her past with me. If it would have been possible I fell more and more in love with her.

So when we said goodbye at the airport gate I could not hold back my tears anymore, although I swore myself to not make it harder for her by crying.
Her tears had started to fall down her face from when we reached the airport but she cried silently, no sobs left her lips and she tried to smile whenever she noticed me looking at her.

I held her pressed to my chest for as long as possible crying into her hair until I was called for the flight and we shared a last kiss.
"I love you Baby, don't ever forget that, we will see each other soon, it's only a few weeks. Okay? Please stay safe and be good."
I told her before we finally had to part.

"I love you Tony, now please go and don't turn around, I will try everything to come as soon as possible. But you have to leave now, I can't stand goodbyes." She wipes her eyes still trying to give me a reassuring smile.

And then I turned and walked away, not looking back as she asked me to do.

The flight was horrible, 14 hours of not being able to do anything but think about her and about the future.

I hadn't even told the guys that I got married and I wasn't sure about their reaction when they found out.

But most of all I was worried about Charlie, whenever she was alone she tended to do stupid and dangerous things and I was afraid that something might happen to her and I wouldn't be around to keep her safe.

I had never dreaded to go on tour with the guys so much than this time, I had no idea how I would manage to perform with the constant fear of loosing her in my head.

When I arrived at LAX I was tired and depressed and probably looked horrible because Mike who came to pick me up and went up to me to give me a hug instantly lost his smile and asked "Tony, you alright, what's up, man?"

"Nothing, bro. Just tired. Thanks for picking me up. When do we leave for tour, is it all organised? Do you need me to do something?"
I wanted to change the subject and busy myself with other things to get the dark thoughts out of my head.

"We are leaving tomorrow morning at 6am. All is set and done, you just have to pack your personal stuff and we're on the road again. I am pumped, we have been home for too long." He replied rubbing his hands. You could see he was more than excited to be back on the road, he always had been a tour beast and probably enjoyed it the most out of us.

When we were in the car I tried to make myself comfortable and maybe get some sleep. Mike turned to me and asked "And how is Sharky?"

I stared out of the window into the dark landscape and murmured "I hope she is alright, Mike. I really hope she is alright" before I closed my eyes and drifted off dreaming about her.

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