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I sit in the uncomfortable airplane seat, my knees tucked under my chin, deep in thought.

My thoughts are mainly on the last kiss I got with Ben at the airport. His soft lips on mine, tears rolling down  both of our faces. The sweet hug he gave me, then watched as I disappeared onto the plane.

The tears are long gone now, leaving my tired eyes and strangely sore body to be my companions when I should be sleeping.

Finally my eyes slide closed and I drift off into an uncomfortable doze.


Finally, I'm in sweltering, citrus scented Arizona, the bright, blazing sun heating me as soon as I step outside of the airport. Luckily, I find a taxi quickly, and soon enough, I'm in my apartment, with the air conditioning on at full blast.

I sprawl out on the couch, wearing sweat pants and a tank top. I can't believe I've come to this, but I'm eating chocolate and drinking wine to drown out my sorrows.

Thankfully, I'm not listening to Adele songs or cuddling a cat, but still, I have work to do to get ready for the upcoming school year.

But nope. I'm procrastinating and getting drunk.

Most definitely decisions I will regret later, but for now, I indulge my sorrows in more chocolate.

Why do I even have so much chocolate?

I down another glass of wine, probably my fifth, which leaves me utterly scrambled. Soon, I'm passed out on the couch.


"Oh my gosh, Ms. Cortney," a familiar voice scolds in disbelief. I roll over in the couch, wincing as I realize how much my head hurts.

"What?" I snap irritably. I flinch as I attempt to open my eyes. The light hurts.

"I know you've been through some rough times, but I don't think it requires getting all hungover and trashing your apartment."

I try to stand up, but fail miserably. I turn and scowl at the source of the voice, Katie. "How do you even know where I live?"

"Well, you drunk texted me your address." Her tone is disproving and accusing. As accusing as a twelve year old can be.

"Oh, what's the big deal about that?" I ask, massaging my throbbing temples.

"You sent it to me two days ago," she says. "You were out for two days."

"What? School starts next Monday?" I gasp, trying to stand up. Katie gently pushes me back onto the couch.

"Oh, no. You are staying there until I've got a drink for you," she commands. I can't believe I'm taking orders from one of my own students, but my achy body isn't about to say no to more rest. She starts to blend something, and my head hurts more. Then she hands me an ice pack.

"Uuuuuuugh," I moan, pressing the ice pack that Katie got for me onto my forehead.

"Now drink this," She says, handing me a cold glass of something.

I sniff it and frown. It smells like cat vomit. "Um, ew!"

"It's not as bad as it smells, trust me," she says, sticking something in the oven.

I tentatively take a sip. The liquid is cold and soothing, and definitely not as bad as it smells. Far from it, actually. It numbs the pain from the headache and calms my stomach.

"See? Better," Katie says, sniffing the air. "Ewwww, you threw up somewhere."

"Sorry," I say, drinking more of the mixture. "What even is this?"

"It's hangover juice, I got it from the internet."

"Oh... How did you know it would work? I mean, you're twelve, not drinking age."

"I had a hard time after I got laid off," she says, faking an old man voice. "The tingly stuff has helped me through it all."

"Ha ha, now tell me, I wanna know." I sound like a kid, but I'm curious.

"Oh, yuck. I found the puke. Tom let me test it on him," she says, wetting a rag and cleaning up the mess.


Katie throws away the cleaning cloth and looks at me. "You need a shower. Go get in before the muffins are done."

"You made muffins?" I ask, standing up shakily.

"Don't tell Tom," she says with a worried look in her eyes. I laugh, then stumble walk into my bedroom to shower.

After I'm dressed, Katie pops in and blow dries my hair.

"What? I'm not capable of drying my hair?" I ask jokingly.

Katie smirks, french braiding my hair. "I don't necessarily trust you, you little hoodlum."

Then a buzzer rings, so she quickly finishes the braid and dashes off into the kitchen. I can smell chocolate chip muffins, my favorite.

"How'd you know they were my favorite?" I ask, biting into a warm, mouth watering muffin.

Katie shrugs. "Lucky guess."

"Well, thanks for helping me," I say.

"Oh, I'm not done here. I told Tom I'd be gone until four, you have work to do."

I debate on using the 'It's Saturday!' argument, but Katie looks unwavering.

I sigh and pick up a file of papers while Katie pulls a laptop out of her bag.

"What are you going to do with that?" I ask, looking through the forms.

"Lesson plan," she states simply, and I don't question.

I look at my phone and see that the time is three fifty. Katie and I have finished most of the paperwork, and she has completed lesson plans for the first week of school.

The doorbell rings, and Katie sprays some air freshener before opening it.

"Hello, Julie," Tom says warmly.

"Hi," I repond with a smile, glad that I put on a little makeup.

"All ready to go?" he asks Katie, and she nods. Katie waves goodbye and leaves.

Thank goodness for Katie, I think watching as Tom and Katie pull out in a black BMW.










Oh Julie, bad!

Go Katie, save the day with muffins, lol.


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