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Julie's POV

The simplest things will always make me the happiest.

A smile. A laugh.

His smile. His laugh.

Someone special's hand entwined with mine.

Ben's hand entwined with mine.

Honestly, I haven't let go of his large hand. My head rests on his shoulder, Ben having gone to sleep a long time ago. I gaze tiredly out at the city lights of Phoenix, breathing in the cool, sage infused evening desert air. It's funny what fancy places celebrities can find to live in within your own hometown.

I want this night to be my forever, my favorite memory, filled with serene peace and silent love.

I laugh out loud a little. Look at how sentimental I've become. I used to be a sassy, hip band teacher who only cared for band and pubescent students willing to learn the wonderful art of music.

Now I stare at my sleeping British boyfriend's face and cheekbones and think about all the sweet, emotional things and meanings of life.

"Do you want to go inside?" Ben whispers.

The prospect of laying on a plush bed enchants me, so I agree. "I'm already moving."

Wrapping the patchwork quilt that I had outside around me, I shuffle through the living room and into the guest bedroom. Sinking into the mattress, I curl myself deep into the pile of blankets that was perfectly placed on the bed. Benedict's soft laugh makes me smile from deep in my blanket palace.

"May I join you in your fortress of fine quilts, milady?"

"No, get your own."

"I guess I shall proceed to storm the palace," Ben states, diving onto the bed next to me, disrupting my peaceful palace of pillows. I smile wider to myself, secretly pleased that Ben is as immature as I am. Then I close my eyes, slipping into a sweet doze.


"Do you dance?" It's a totally out of the blue question, something to be expected from Ben.

I look up. "I can keep a rhythm like nobody's business."

Ben nods with an impressed smile. "Then let's see." He helps me up and twirls me. Then, he sets a record into a record player. Upbeat piano music fills the living room.

"A record player? Keeping it old school, are we?" I ask Benedict, swaying my hips to the tune.

He laughs, a low, hearty sound that fills my soul with happiness. "We can't forget our history."

Ben twirls me again, then dips me. "From this angle, you still look flawless."

I smirk. "From this angle, your cheekbones are even higher."

He pulls me close, kissing my nose. Then he kisses my lips. I wrap my arms around his neck as he kisses my lips again. It feels me with warmth and firy tingles.

I would give it all to stay like this.












Kinda short chapter oops. Sorry I didn't update for a while, I forgot because I am really bad at update schedules.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy it! (they kiss! *fangirl screams*)

Vote, comment, eat tacos,

I love you all!


Music to my Heart - Benedict Cumberbatch FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now