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Back in 2006 I was so disappointed at Superman Returns, that I decided to write my very own Superman fan script. I never finished it, but I got to write almost 80 pages of it! It was an interesting exercise and I would be very honored if someone were to read it and tell me what they think about it.

Due to format issues, the text won´t appear in the right form a professional script should be presented, so bear with me.

You may find some resemblance to Man of Steel, but that's cause chances are that Mr. Goyer and me were influenced on most of the same source material.

I'll be uploading it in parts.

I hope you will enjoy it.

 P.S.: I make a lot of typos and Spanish is my natural language, so any grammar observations will be very much appreciated.


Jose Ulloa © 2007


We see the night sky, then we begin to pan down until we find a bright and big city and as we get closer we see an old building with a huge globe at the rooftop and with a sign we can partially read, it says "...ily Planet". As we continue our way down on the city, we get into darker alleys, we hear gunshots and police sirens, all this while setting our sight on the back of a certain old apartments building.  We  see the fire escape ladder and  a boy sitting there. The BOY (13 years old, skinny, green eyes, red hair) sits there with a void expression in his eyes, looking up to the sky. We can hear loud noises coming from inside his home, there seems to be a fight and we get to hear angry shouting and  dishes being broken and such. The BOY gets distracted by the noise for a moment, but he tries to focus back into watching the sky. We see his eyes centered on the view. Then we see his face light up and then we see something bright and fast cross over the sky, something like a shooting star but even brighter. The BOY has an expression of surprise as he sees this "shooting star"cross over the sky. Then the voice of an ANGRY MAN from inside brings him back to reality.

                                                       ANGRY MAN

                                           Now where the Hell is that boy

                                           now??? ...

 The boy looks back to the door into his home, he looks angry, almost hateful. The silhouette figure of a big man walks to the door and yells at the BOY.

                                                       ANGRY MAN

                                          Hey, kid! What the heck you doin‘out here!!!

                                          Go get me some beer and this time try not

                                          to spill any or you know what you got coming

                                          at youse!...

The BOY puts his right hand on his left shoulder, like guarding it, and we can see some signs of scars there. The ANGRY MAN enters the house again, while shouting out loud to someone else.

                                                       ANGRY MAN

                                         And you! Stop that crying, ain ́tnobody

                                         here who cares about those crocodile

                                         tears of yours, you old hag!

The BOY looks back to the sky, the "shooting star" is already getting lost in the distance. The boy looks at it with wishing eyes.

                                                     ANGRY MAN

                                                 (coming from inside)  

                                        Lex!!!...go get my freaking‘ beer now or I

                                          swear I ́ll drag you there myself!

The BOY enters his home, we pan up to the sky and away from  the building, following the "shooting star" and start focusing on it.


We follow the shooting star across the sky while getting closer to it. As we get closer we start to realize it ́s not a star,but a small space ship.

Getting closer we see there ́s a small window in it.


We are seeing the night sky passing by the ship very fast. A little baby arm caresses the window.


The ship keeps crossing the sky.  Suddenly a small DEVICE (looks like a small version of the ship) detaches itself from the ship,  lights its own engine and goes flying on another direction. The ship begins descending and we start noticing a big piece of land, then the ship goes all over what seems to be a small farm and we see it crash land near there, shaking the earth all around and leaving quite a trail after it. The house in the farms lights up and we see a couple going out with lanterns, running towards the ship. We can hear a baby crying at the distance.

Fade-out to black.

Intro credits roll in with John Williams soundtrack on the back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2014 ⏰

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