Holy Shit

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OK, I know I don't normally swear, but this is a Kik chat history between me and my friend thee_flower_girl

Flower- (video of a person in all black holding a knife walking towards Flower)

Me- OMG WHO IS THAT?!!????
Me- ARE YOU OK?!!!??

Flower- I'm fine but locked in my bathroom
Flower- I think they had a knife
Flower- We have the police coming

Me- What happened???!!!
Me- Why were you out there???!!!
Me- 😫

Flower- I was tending to my garden and they where just walking down the road

Me- I'm almost crying
Me- I swear to god
Me- If this is a joke
Me- You're really dead

Flower- Its ok don't freak

Me- Q^Q

Flower- Is that a cry face

Me- Nod

Flower- They keep knocking at my door its so annoying

Me- Annoying?
Me- Seriously?
Me- Why not

Flower- I didn't want to scare you

Me- Seriously?
Me- Not wanting to scare me?
Me- What about this whole EVERYTHING?!!

Flower- idk

Me- -_-

Flower- They are pounding on my door and there shouting and screaming

Me- Hide
Me- Do you have a weapon?

Flower- I'm locked in the bathroom

Me- Get something

Flower- With a bat

Me- Good
Me- Like hide....
Me- In the shower?
Me- Is the cupboard big enough?

Flower- Yes that's a great idea

Me- Can't tell if your being sarcastic....

Flower- No it's a good idea I'm in there now

Me- Good
Me- Is your phone on silent?

Flower- No dur

Me- When are the police getting there?

Flower- 5 min
Flower- The pounding stopped

Me- You OK?

Flower- Mainly traumatized

Me- What's happening?

Flower- I can hear the sirens

Me- Good

Flower- They're trying to break the windows

Me- Are they succeeding?

Flower- No

Flower- It's a girl? 7th, I think
Flower- OMG the police just pinned her to the ground

Me- They got her?

Flower- Yeah
Flower- Brb gonna go talk to them

Me- Ok
Me- What's happening?
Me- Who is it?
Me- imma have nightmares tonight
Me- taalk  to meee

Flower- OK they are bringing her to juvie

Me- Who is it?

Flower- A phyco girl like 11

Me- Seriously? Wow

Flower- They're checking the rest of the neighborhood

Me- What did she look like?

Flower- Bobbed black hair and green glasses

Me- Did she say why she was there?
Me- Oh OK
Me- Please
Me- Be safe tonight
Me- Sleep tight

The rest was good nights and safe wishes.

I wish I was making this up. This happens every day to tons of people. No ones safe. Not even a losers friend in a small country town.


Be safe everyone

Have a nice night.

Edit: We found out the girl killed her mom with an axe. Q^Q

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