11:26 pm

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my friend once asked me,

have you ever wonder how they did it?

how someone can get back up after they watch the love of their life walk away?

did they just unlove them?

how did they move on?

did they just forget?


she looked so broken that night. I can see it in her eyes, the pain, the betrayal.

but I finally told her,

I dont think you can ever unlove someone. and if it happens, then you never even love them in the first place.

because once you love, there's no way to unlove. you'll forever love them. even when you dated someone else, you know there is always a special place for them. as cheesy as it sounded like, its the truth.

and no matter what, you knew that they has their spell on you. and it'll never go away. you just buried it down.

and I think people never really move on from someone they love, loved.

they just adapt themself being without the love of their life, as hard as it is. that's what they have to do. or else they'll lose their willing to live and see another day.

so I think, you won't find a way to move on from him because what's done is done and you can't just forget about it. you're crazy head over heels in love with him. and that's okay.

even if he has spells on you, that's okay too. you just don't have to give in that easily.

and you probably won't move on, cause- like I said, you can't.

you can't also force yourself to forget too. the more you forget the more you remember.

but one thing that I know is that you carry on.

you will carry on.

that's all that matters.

- so carry on.

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