
283 8 3

Over dramatic
Language warning?
Requested by @AFandomTrashCan

The sun was lowering in the sky, which meant the time for Preston's latest performance was nearing.
Max didn't really care, he was supposed to be a lead in it but he hadn't bothered to practice anything; he always found Preston's reaction to mediocre performances priceless.

Max sank down to the grass with his back to a tree and script by his side. He ignored the wind that battered against his hair and drew his knees to his chest. The summer breeze carried Preston's feminine voice to wear he sat and he chuckled at some of the insults the uptight boy was throwing.

As the evening played out, Max finally fell asleep huddled in his jumper. Meanwhile, Preston had been looking everywhere for him; despite what he might've said, Preston was genuinely concerned about Max's whereabouts.
The play was only moments away, but Preston refused to return to the stage until the boy in the blue hoodie was found.

The sun cast an orange glow over the camp, alerting Preston that it was almost showtime, but for once in his life his mind wasn't of his production. It was on Max.
Finally, Preston caught sight of Max and let go of a breath he didn't realise he was holding and trudged over to the short boy only to find he was sleeping. He looked so peaceful with the sunset bouncing of his raven hair and his face up to his nose buried in his hoodie.
Preston considered himself too much of a gentleman to wake Max up so he scooped him up in his arms and walked back towards camp.
As Preston walked, feeling no burden from the weight of Max, the boy in his arms cuddled into his chest.
"You're almost as comfortable as Mr Honeynuts" Max muttered in his sleep. Preston attempted and failed to stop his cheeks from burning, causing his fragile pride to shatter.
"Curse you Max" he muttered, placing a gentle kiss against the sleeping boy's forehead before quickening his pace towards camp.

"The show is cancelled, an important actor is sleep deprived and in need of his bed" Preston informed the camp and swiftly leaving before David could protest.
Preston placed Max in his bed, tucked Mr Honeynuts into his arms and pulled the blanket up to his chin.
Before Preston could leave, Max placed a soft, wet, sleepy kiss on his cheek.
"That's payback for earlier" he smirked before immediately falling asleep.
Preston left the tent with wide eyes, a crimson face and a pounding heart.
"I believe that I am officially Juliet" he said to himself with a soft wobbly smile.

A/N: I hope this wasn't too shit of an attempt, I've never read nor written a Maxpres before but I hope you enjoyed.
I also apologise for my lack of updates, I've been a little preoccupied but I'm back now.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2017 ⏰

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