An Unfounded Discovery

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(Editors note) Since using (N/R) each time I chime in gets a bit annoying anytime something is not quoted or a name in front of it for now at least you can assume it is narrative. hope you prefer this.

Chapter 2

You have been through at least 20 rooms on the first floor. a few of them just being labs with varies papers and machines. not being one who was science savvy you simply glanced at the papers and machines before making your way out of each room.

As you close the door on the room near the staircase you hear a loud rumble. you Almost dropped what you were holding. that being a bottle of pop and your keys when you just remembered this building was heated by a boiler. in the basement. it being old and such. normally even those who have a route through this building could not enter it simply due to not needing checking. but thanks to your buddy Dave you can go in it. most people would not dare or bother to but you were not most people. you were a bored 20 something with nothing else to do.

So you make your way down the stairs and follow down what seemed like a long dark hallway to a metal door.


"What key would this old hunk of metal be unlocked by?" you try different keys only to find one that worked. even then the door is heavy and hard to open due to the rare usage it gets, you had to push with all your might to open it.

"Jesus you would think this was a blast door for a bomb shelter with it being that thick"

(N/R) you glance around spotting the giant boiler and all of its tubes going different places. the room is about the size of a 7/11 and not much in it. that is until you spot what looks to be a wooden door behind the boiler. only spotting it thanks to the reflection of the metal thanks to a red light illuminating the room.

"what an afoul light to illuminate a room with. is this a submarine engine room now?" you walk over to that wooden door trying not to trip on the varies metal crap scattered about the room.

you would think for such a door it would take trying every key to find one that works but oddly when looking at the keys one seems to call to you. nothing special about it, it seems practically identical to the other keys that go to the varies rooms. a side of the entrance key which is a bright orange.

"Hmm... I guess I can try this one but I don't know why it would work on this wooden door"

you insert it into a small metal lock on the door and sure enough, it fits perfectly and unlocks with ease... this bothers you as if the metal door or should you say blast door is such a bitch to open due to weight and rare use why would this seemingly older door open perfectly?

"Well, that's unsettling. and wow is that a dark stairway. I should have brought a flashlight".

Luckily you recall having a flashlight app on your phone which uses the phones flash to illuminate things. you never thought of using it before on other rooms but this one needed at least some form of light with it being a pure thick darkness like that shaded in a cartoon where you can only see the characters eyes.

"Ah, there we go. now let's just follow you down to God knows where and see if anything interesting is on the other end," you say with a slight waver in your voice.

you walk down the stairs for what felt like an hour and find yourself in a room much like the boiler room but instead of a boiler at the center was just an open room. with not much, even in the boiler room you make your way to another wooden door with no lock and open it. and follow another shorter more familiar staircase down.

Unknown doors and a dark encounter.Where stories live. Discover now