Night Owl

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Prompt: Write about staying up late at night.

Gilbert tapped away on the keyboard of his laptop. The rhythmic clacking of keys filled the still, dark apartment. It was around 2:30 a.m now, the harsh white light of a nearly finished paper on the Revolutionary War lighting up Gil's face and bringing his dark eye circles to attention. He grabbed the tall cup of coffee that sat amongst his strewn about papers and books that were required for the assignment, taking a drink while never looking away from the screen.
He needed to get this done. He had put it off for long enough and now he only had a paragraph left. Admittedly, he wasn't angry at how he spent his time at all, but he was definitely taking advantage of the hours when he wasn't constantly distracted by his beautiful boyfriend.
His fingers paused as he thought about the word. Gil turned around to look at the man who was sleeping in his bed. Long, curly, brown locks laid on his face, concealing permanently rosy cheeks covered in freckles. He was only wearing boxers and had kicked off all of the covers, almost laying in a fetal position. Gil's heart fluttered as he saw the small dark marks on his otherwise bare neck, collarbone, and inner thighs, even though he was the source of said hickeys.
He'd never get used to the thought that this perfect, kind hearted person was all his.
Rubbing his eyes, he quickly wrote a half-assed closing statement, saved his work, and closed his laptop.
As he slid into bed, John -being the light sleeper he is- woke up a bit.
"Gil. Warm."
The smaller man rolled over and threw an arm and a leg over his boyfriend, cuddling in close.
Gil giggled a bit, situating himself and running a hand through John's hair.
"You'd be warmer if you kept the blankets on you, silly boy."
John just hummed, his face buried in Gil's chest.
"Not the same."
Gil smiled and kissed the top of his head.
Scooting up a little, John leaned in and gave him a soft kiss. Not willing to let him go so easily, Gil placed a hand on the small of his back and deepened the kiss while pulling his body closer. By the time he pulled away, John's rosy cheeks were completely set ablaze and his eyelids were heavy; a mixture of sleepiness and how weak Gil so easily made him. The strong hand left his back and ran a thumb over his swollen lips.
"This has got to be my favorite look on you."
John blushed even more at this statement and pressed his face back against Gil's chest, a fistful of his T-shirt to ground him.
"Yeah, yeah." He mumbled.
Gil giggled again and began to slowly rub John's back.
"Goodnight, my darling."
"Goodnight, my love."

Life and Love [Laurette]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon