The Perfect Anniversary

616 26 13

Prompt: Write about a shiny object.

Lafayette quickly silenced his alarm before it had a chance to wake the sleeping beauty curled up in his arms. Sliding out from under him with the utmost care, he slowly padded to the kitchen.
It was John and Laf's four year anniversary and Laf had the entire day planned out.
Wake up before John. Make a very special breakfast. Take a lovely stroll through Central Park where they just so happen to have a dog show going on today. Lunch with the boys. Trip to the Met. A movie date and then dinner at John's favorite restaurant.
And it was all going to go perfectly.
It had to.
Because tonight was the night Lafayette was proposing.
Four years was long enough, he'd decided.
John had finished college and Laf was on track with getting a higher degree. They live together and are frequently described as "relationship goals". Their close friends even say that what they have is true love.
"So then why am I so damn nervous?" He thought.
Temporarily shaking off his jitters, he headed to the fridge for eggs and sausage.
Except it was practically empty.
"Oh, right. The boys came over last night. They sure cleaned us out."
Laf closed the door with a sigh.
"I guess donuts from down the street will suffice."
As quietly as he could possibly be, he went back into the room and got dressed; thankfully without waking John.
Grabbing his keys and wallet, he left the apartment.
"Jelly filled. Jelly filled. Please have jelly filled." Laf thought as he speed walked the few blocks to his destination.
By the time Lafayette had returned to their apartment, John was awake(barely) and walking into the kitchen.
"Good morning, mon amour. How was your sleep?"
The shorter man hugged him and smushed his face against his chest, eyes still mostly closed. His response was muffled.
"Good. Where did you go?"
Laf put down his things and gently lifted John onto the counter next to them.
"I went to get breakfast. Jelly donuts. Your favorite, chéri."
John finally opened his eyes completely and smiled lovingly at his boyfriend.
Laf gently kissed him.
"Happy anniversary, baby."
John smiled even wider and kissed him again.
"I love you."
"I love you too. Now let's eat."

An hour and a half later, donuts were eaten, jelly was smudged across both of their faces, kisses had been exchanged, and they had showered. John was buttoning his pants in their bedroom when his boyfriend came up behind him and rested his arms on his shoulders, loosely hugging him.
"Now don't you worry, darling. I have planned out a very special day for you. You just come along for the ride, huh? How does that sound?"
"Like you're going to extreme lengths to get into my pants."
John looked back smiling whereas Laf gave him a look that wasn't nearly as playful. The freckled boy burst into giggles.
"Kidding!! I swear!" He said between breaths.
Lafayette rolled his eyes and sat down on the bed with a small smile. John picked up the shirt next to him and slowly pulled it over Laf's head, kissing him after his poof of hair allowed his face to pass through the neck hole.
"I'm sure I'll love it."
Lafayette smiled and pulled him into a hug around his waist, John's head resting on the top of his.
"Where to first, boss?"

The two walked down to the subway, quickly passing through turnstiles and weaving through other passengers waiting on the platforms. Lafayette led John by his hand to their platform and pulled him close to his side.
John was silent the whole train ride as Laf tapped away on his phone, the smaller just comfortably resting his head on his boyfriend's shoulder.
-Hey we are headed to the park now. You will all be on time, yes?
-Gil, since when are we ever on time??
-Alexander this is important to me. 😠
-Okay okay I'm kidding I swear. We'll be there. Just chill out man. There's nothing to worry about.
-I know. I just want to do this right. PLEASE do not forget the ring!
-Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier. I will not forget the ring. And to think, I assumed you thought higher of me.
-Oh quit being a drama queen
-Thank you again Alexander
-Don't mention it💙💙💙
"Who ya textin'?"
Laf quickly stuffed his phone back in his pocket at the sound of John's voice.
"Oh, uh, it's nothing. Come, it's almost our stop."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2017 ⏰

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