Bad Girl

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Hey! Everybody seems to be staring at me.

You! You! All of you! How dare you to stare at me? Why? Is it because I’m a bad girl?

A bad girl I am, a good for nothing teenager, a problem child? That’s what you call me!

I smoke. I drink. I gamble at my young and tender age. I lie. I cheat, and I could even kill, if I have too.

Yes, I’m a bad girl, but where are my parents? You! You! You are my good parents? My good elder brother & sister in this society where I live?

Look… look at me… What have you done to me? You have pampered and spoiled me, neglected me when I needed you most!

In trusted me to a yaya, whose intelligent was much lower than mine! While you go about your parties, your meetings and gambling sessions.

Thus… I drifted away from you! Longing for a fathers love, yearning for a mothers care!

As I grow up, everything changed! You too have changed! You spent more time in your pokers, mah-jong tables, bars and night clubs. You even landed on the headline of the newspaper as crook, peddlers and racketeers.

Now, you call my name; accuse me in everything I do to myself? Tell me! How good you are? If you really wish to ensure my future. Then hurry, hurry back home! Where I await you, because I need you… Protect me from all evil influences that will threaten at my very own understanding.

But if I am bad, really bad, then, you’ve got to help me! Help me! Oh please… Help me!


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