Invitations and "Destiny"?

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"Nana-ahh!!! Good morning!" My bestfriend Jaekyeong greeted loudly as I answered her call. "Morning to you too Jae~! What's up?" I greeted her back "My friend's hosting a party tonight at Seoul's famous club and guess what? She listed me as a VIP and I told her to write your name down too!!" She squealed. "Wait...what?"
"We're going to a party later pabo, so you better dress nice." She replied. "Wait Jaekyeong-ah, why would you even ask her to write my name down? We both know that I don't go to such parties." I replied trying to escape the situation that I really don't wanna go. despite the fact I don't go to parties. "Because you're my bestfriend! pabo!" She chuckled. "And by the way, Come on Nana you're 22 Fucking years old! Try and live a little! Ya know..Drink and socialize a little bit. Enough staying indoors and fucking yourself your not gonna get pregnant by that!" She scolded me in a joking matter but her words left chills in my body.

"Yah! What do you mean living indoors?! I need fresh air too you know!! And when I go outside I gain more friends than I expected." I said screaming back at her oh crud why are even debating about my life and social status now! "Hmmp.. I see that's why you don't have a boyfriend huh?" She replied. Oh great now she's bringing up my relationship status. I swear to god this bitch is gonna make me pull my hair out! "Anyways enough with all the commotion, I'll pick you up later at 8 alright hun? I'm hanging up now, see you later kiss kiss!!" She ended the call already before making another word. I sighed as I lay down the couch. I glance at the clock to check the time "Taking a short snore wouldn't be so bad.." I said to myself as I closed my eyes and drifted away.

"Nana!! Nana!! Nana!!"

I opened my eyes slowly as I heard someone screaming my name countless times. I swear I condemn this person back to hell whoever keeps on screaming my damn name outside and waking me up from my beauty sleep.


I just stayed there at the couch not caring who that sick prick outside is screaming my name over and over. I looked over the clock to see it was already 8:00 pm. "8 pm....." I muttered repeatedly while my eyes half open. "Fuck!!!" I yelled as a huge truck of realization hits me that Jaekyeong and I are attending a party! And the fact that I don't even have a dress! Shit. This is so screwed up. I also realized that The voice calling me earlier was Jaekyeong!! Holy mother of god! She even used my full name! I immediatley stood up and ran to my room to change in just a maroon hoodie matched with dark skinny jeans and a pair of black old skool vans. I also applied
Light makeup because why not? Lol jk.
After grooming myself I immediatley ran downstairs to open the door.

"Hi." I greeted her as I opened the door. She glared at me with her arms crossed. "Do you know what fucking time it is you turd?!" She yelled
"It's 8:00." I replied scratching the back of my head. Well who wouldn't get mad waiting outside for God knows how long. "Add the 30!" She replied back as she rolled her eyes. "Anyways we don't have much time let's go." I nodded as we both entered her car and made our way to the club.

As we got there me and Jaekyeong stepped out the car. "Are you ready?" She asked chuckling "u-uh yeah I guess so.." I slightly nodded as she held my hand and said "Don't be nervous you'll do fine." She smiled as she pulled me and we head inside the club doors.


People dancing everywhere...Loud music...Bright colorful lights.....


I stood still as millions of thoughts start rummaging in my head.

"Yah, Nana-ah!" Jaekyeong called me out as I blinked multiple times and gave her a questioning look. She sighed and continued to drag me through the swarm of people.  She introduced me to some of her friends and chitchat about ourselves while she's wildin out with other friends. This girl really needs serious company no kidding. A few moments later I was left alone by myself at a bartender's counter as I watched everyone else. I was creeped out. Jaekyeong invited me many times on the dance floor but I rejected. Like Hell I would! I rest my chin on my palms wondering if I should escape this place or what. My eyes landed on the stock of alcohol and beer in front of me "Maybe drinking a little wouldn't be a sin...." I said to myself. "Excuse me Sir, could I please have one glass?" I asked the bartender "of what miss?" He replied. Wtf he's a bartender and he doesn't know what I mean. I mean come on you expect him to give me just glass without anything in it?! Dumb hoe. "A-alcohol.." I replied. "What kind miss?" He asked again. I swear to god whoever this man's boss is, they hired the wrong man! "The mildest one you have." I replied as he nodded. Thank goodness no more questions. The bartender came back and gave me my drinks and left as I said my thanks. I took a small sip of the liquid and made a disgusted yet satisfied expression. "Not bad..." I told myself as I continue to chug it down my throat hell yeah.

After finishing my glass I ordered another one. Seems like drinking is starting me off as well. While drinking from my glass a man sat beside me. He was wearing a black coat, black slocks, black leather shoes, a hat, and his face covered with a mask. And damn he's wearing a Rolex on his wrist! Whiched matched perfectly for his veiny hands. "Excuse me? Miss?" He called out to me which made me realize that I was staring at his wrist. god this is embarassing. "Is something wrong?" He asked again I shook my head "A-ah no. Nothing's wrong. I was just admiring your watch." I replied "Ahh I see...So what's your name? You look new here. I don't see you here often." He asked.  "Oh my name's Nana. Im Nana." I smiled as I introduced myself.
"How bout you?" I asked him as he held my hand and put down his face mask.

"I'm Min Yoon Gi."

(AN: OMG OMG THIS IS WHERE IT ALL STARTS hope u enjoyed this chapter have a cookie c: )

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