royals: pt.2 ➳ zustin

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Zain's and Justin's father were talking about god knows what, but surely it was about Zain and Justin, for they occasionally kept glancing at the two younger princes, who were currently walking about.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Zain whispers.

"I don't know, princess." Justin replies. Their hands kept brushing against each other, and Zain couldn't help but hold his breath every time it happened.

"I think they're talking about us."

"Really?" Justin turns to look at the two serious-looking kings.


And it turns out, they indeed were talking about talking about the princes.

"Sit down, both of you." Zain's father says, gesturing to the two comfortable chairs. Zain hesitantly steals a look from Justin and seats himself down.

"Alright. Zain, you father and I were having a discussion about you and Justin. You, in particular." Justin's father tells Zain.

"Okay." Zain rubs his hands over his knees, because they were shaking too much.

"Zain, son, you're twenty one now. And the ball held the day before yesterday was for you." Zain's father speaks up.

"I'm aware, father." Zain says coldly, but not intentionally. 

"But since you've gain some interest in Justin over here," He clasps his hands together. "We've decided that you two shall be wed."

And that's when all the color drained from his face.


"No?" He questions.

"No, father. I do not wish to be married, especially at such a young age." Zain says firmly. Justin's father on the other hand, watched quietly. Justin placed a hand on top of Zain's.

"Son, you are twenty one, and you're going to be king soon. You need a spouse, and Justin here is suitable. So you are going to ask for his hand, and that's final."

"No!" Zain shouts. "I don't want to get married, father!"

"Zain! Don't you dare raise your voice at me. My decision is final. And Justin is okay with that. Aren't you, Justin?"

Justin looked clueless. "Your Highness, I..."

"See? He doesn't have any problem with it. Now you are going to stop shouting like a proper man and listen to me."

"Forgive me, your Highness, but I did not say anything." Justin replies in a calm tone.

"You haven't said no, son." Justin's father interjects.

"I haven't said yes, either." Justin replies, irritation in his voice. 

"I will not be wed! I want to live my life the way I want! This is unjust, father!" Zain felt his eyes brim with tears of frustration. This was the sole reason he didn't like his father.

"Shut it, Zain! You're throwing a tantrum over such a petty thing!"

The tears fell down his cheeks. "No." Was all he said before standing up and walking away. Zain's father looked like he was about to pop a blood vessel. Justin's father sat idle, and Justin runs after the crying prince.

"Where is he?" Justin demands one of the maids, startling her.

"He-he went to his room, y-your highness." The poor woman was shaken at his sudden outburst. Justin nods and dashes up the stairs. He realizes he had no idea where Zain's room was, so he checks every room, till he finds one locked. 

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