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Alex's vision was blurry as he put his phone down for the last time. He knew that the time to do it was now or never, and, although every inhalation of air that he swallowed down hurt his lungs, he made his final decision.
The gun was cold in his hands. All of the emotions that had been pent up inside of him since Hannah died had reached a climax now, distorting the world around him, swallowing up and destroying the good that Lyric had brought into his life.
His hands shook as he pressed the gun against the side of his head. His breaths were coming quicker now, as if his body was already preparing for what was about to happen. He wondered if this was what Hannah had felt like as she'd prepared the bath that day. He thought about how things might be different if he had only been able to stop thinking. Turn them off when they got to be too much. If he could've gone through the rest of life as a heartless robot.
It was a shame that that wasn't an option, but time was running out, and he knew it.
Alex squeezed his eyes shut, and he pulled the trigger.

A Loser With A Cellphone (Alex Standall)Where stories live. Discover now