The Grave

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"The stars are beautiful tonight, Ryan. Why don't you ever let me take you outside?"

Connor turned to the grave next to him. He rolled over onto his stomach and read the headstone. Ryan Echavarria: 1999-2012. Ryan Echavarria was the only one who was ever there for Connor. Little did he know, Ryan was suicidal.

When Connor learned of his death, he completely changed. He shut everyone out. He started smoking, doing drugs, and dressing in all black everyday.

He was 13 when he lost Ryan.

Connor's eyes filled with tears. "I'm so sorry. I didn't-" He started sobbing into the grass next to the grave. "I d-didn't know. I didn't know, Ryan." Connor's last memory of him and Ryan together was a huge fight they had, one which left a Ryan in tears. "I'm so sorry."

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