Telling them

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Next Morning

I woke up with a bad taste in my mouth and I realized that I was pregnant with Jungkook's kid I think.Well when I walked downstairs I saw Jin making breakfast.

Y/N: Hey Jin

Jin: Hey sis

And Yoongi finally came down holding a pillow.

Y/N: Heeeey Yoongi

Yoongi: Hey 

I grabbed a juice and went to my room well until Jin said my name.

Jin: Y/N?

Y/N: Yes

Jin: What is wrong?

Y/N: Nothing

Yoongi: Really

Yoongi gets in my face and asked that.

Y/N: Yes

I said hesitantly.

Yoongi: What is wrong?

Jin: Yeah what's wrong

Y/N: I can't tell anyone

Jin: Why not?

Y/N: Because I promised Jungkook I wouldn't tell anyone!

Jin and Yoongi were surprised by my yelling. Then I went to my room and called Jungkook. I called Jungkook on my phone and locked my door.

Y/N (on phone): Jungkook?

JK: Yes babe?

Y/N: can you come pick me up from my house?

JK: Sure

Y/N: Thanks

I went to my closet and choose an outfit.

This is what I found. (item above)

I sat in my room waiting for Jungkook to text me when he gets here. Finally Jungkook came and Jin came in.

Jin: Y/N someone is here to see you.

Y/N: Ok

Jungkook's car was out in the driveway and Jungkook was leaning up against it.

JK: Hey sweetie

Y/N: Hey

???: Y/N!

Y/N: Mom!

Y/M: Yes


Yoongi: WHAT!!

Y/N: Come here

Yoongi: Oka- Hi mom

Y/M: Hi Yoongi where is Jin?

Yoongi: Inside?

Y/N: *mouthes words* wtf

Yoongi: *whispering* what is she doing here?

Y/N: *whispering* I don't know

And I left with Jungkook. Jungkook and I made it to their house and brought me inside but before I got inside I saw two cars that are strangely familiar to me.

JK: Y/N come on

Y/N: No

JK: Why not?

Y/N: Because Jin and Yoongi's car are here

JK: Whaa really!

Y/N: Yes

Jungkook looks to see if what I said is true.

Overprotective Husband Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now