Band Concert

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Why must we all  be idiots? Because God said so.

Okay, so recently Lexi, Haley, Nathan, Colby and I had a band concert. Now, you may think 'Concert. No big deal.' No! We prepare all year for these concerts. Anyway, these concerts also give us a lot of time to goof off. So we were listening to the other band and sitting in the bleachers with the rest of our band. Lexi wouldn't shut up so I did that thing where you put your finger to your lips. I may have accidentally put my finger up my nose. It was stupid. Then I was singing Panic! At The Disco when we were cleaning up all the chairs and stands and drums the day after. Another stupid thing is that me, Haley, Adela, and Lexi had to move the music cart. The music cart is like a box on wheels that holds all the folders with our music in it. It also weighs like 50 pounds. We had to move it down the hall, WITH KIDS IN THE HALL! There were literally kids in the hall just standing there and almost getting run over. It really shouldn't have taken 4 people to move the cart, but we were really bad at controlling where it went. If anyone got killed, it was the cart's fault not ours. One kid, Mason, stood in the doorway until Adela kicked him and he moved.

There was this one song we were playing, and we only got to practice it once and it was a week before the concert. It wasn't a complete and total train wreck. We did pretty okay.

That is my story of the band concert. I did many more stupid things, but I can't really explain them. 

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