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Days passed uneventfully.

I sat by the window, looking down. Zen passed once. Twice. By the third round, I had grown bored.

"I don't get why he runs." Izaac grumbled from the couch, a packet of chips in his arms. He crunched on the chips loudly.

I rolled my eyes, "How do you think he stays that fit?"

Izaac chuckled, "Babe, I don't run, yet I'm in perfect shape." As the words left his mouth, he lifted his shirt as though to prove a point. And a point he did prove.

I rolled my eyes again, standing up. Izaac gave me a look. "Do you not like these abs? I worked hard for them." His tone was joking and cocky.

"I'm sure you did." I muttered, snatching the packet of chips from him.

I plopped down on the other end of the couch. He lunged for the chips but I stuck my foot out, getting him right in the face. He fell back, then onto the floor. I giggled, munching on the chips. Izaac glared at me, before he grabbed me. I tumbled onto the floor. We fought for awhile. I know. Fighting over chips? Childish.

"I'm still gonna kill you, you know that, right?" Izaac breathed out as he pinned me to the ground. There was a dangerous edge to his voice.

I gave him an unconvinced look. "You don't kill." I reminded him.

He shrugged, "Maybe I'll just tie you up."

"And then what?" I asked, tone amused.

He shot me a lopsided grin, dimples showing. "Then I'll kiss you." He told me seriously.

I scoffed, rolling out from under him. "I'm sorry, but I'm allergic to fuckboys." I said.

Izaac pulled me back towards him. "Cliche, isn't it?" He murmured. "They sent me to kill you and here I am, falling in love." I knew he didn't mean what he said. Still, I kept quiet. Izaac was staring at me, and I didn't know what to do.

I startled as the front door slammed open. Izaac moved away from me at lightning speed, and I sat up.

Zen shut the door behind him. "Started raining." He told us curtly, before disappearing into his room.

Izaac went into the kitchen.

I sat on the floor by myself in the living room, eyes wide.


I watched Zen.

He was drawing. His shirt was lying on the ground, and he was lying on his stomach on the bed. I sat crosslegged at the other end of the bed, watching him with wide eyes.

Finally, when the silence was too loud, I spoke. "Are you mad?" I asked.

Zen was silent for a while. I listened to the pencil he was holding scratch along the paper.

"What makes you think I am?" He eventually muttered, eyes still trained on his notebook.

I pointed to the notebook, "You always draw when you want to get something out of your head."

He clenched his jaw. I scooted closer to him. I saw him tense up, but his drawing continued. I reached a hand out towards him but his hand shot out. His fingers curled around my wrist, grasping me roughly. He sat up and turned to me, eyes duller than usual. I tried to pull away, but his grip was strong.

"Zen." I warned, frowning. He didn't remove his grip. "You're hurting me." I told him, voice strained.

There was no reply.

My other hand shot out instinctively to defend myself, but Zen was faster. He grabbed my other wrist, and yanked me roughly. I let out a surprised gasp. He pressed me down on the bed, trapping me between his arms.

Then I saw it.

Just a fleeting moment, but it was unmistakable. His eyes changed. I sucked in a sharp breath, purple orbs staring back at me. Then, as fast as it had came, it was gone. I was back to staring into his striking emerald eyes.

Zen seemed aware, and he quickly got off me, frowning. I sat up, looking at him weirdly. What the bloody hell was that?

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I hadn't noticed that Zen was freaking out. I only snapped out of it when I heard his unsteady breathing.

I turned to glance at him.

His face was in his hands, and his breathing was heavy, uncontrollable. Realization dawned on me. He was panicking.

"Zen?" I asked, reaching a tentative hand out to him. As soon as my hand contacted with his skin, he jerked away from me. "Zen." I said, more firmly this time. I moved myself so that I was in front of him. I grabbed his hands and pulled them away from his face.

He glanced at me, eyes wide. I could see the hint of purple in them. His eyes were purple then green, then purple again. They kept shifting.

"I don't know how to stop it." He whispered, tone panicked.

"It's fine," I told him, trying to calm him down. "You're fine." I placed his hands to his lap. Then I sat there, and waited for him to regain his cool. It took him a few short moments. Then he blinked. His eyes remained green.

"You're okay." I assured, placing my hand on his cheek.

And nothing in the world could have prepared me for what happened next.

Zen leant forward, his lips meeting mine.

I froze, mind blank.


I was confused.

Oh, well. Confusion can kiss my ass.

I kissed Zen back.

He was gentle at first, cautious. Then once I had reacted, he became confident. Rough. He pushed me backwards onto the sheets, hovering above me. I pulled away, placing my hand over his lips. "What are you doing?" I asked, breathless. I mean I knew what he was doing, I just didn't know why.

Zen shook his head, "I don't know." He muttered sheepishly, falling to my side.

I rolled onto my side to look at him. "You're insane, you know that, right?" I questioned rhetorically, resting my head on his chest.

He scoffed, "Trust me, I do." His arm snaked around my waist.

Silence engulfed us.

"Are you Dark?" I asked bluntly, breaking the silence. I needed to know.

There was a pause. Then, "I don't know." I tilted my head upwards to shoot Zen a look. He avoided my gaze. I huffed, before rolling over and turning my back to him. I felt him move, and he wrapped an arm around me, pressing himself nearer to me.

"Don't be like that." He mumbled, a hint of teasing in his voice. I ignored him.

He landed a small kiss at the side of my neck. "Good night, Osiria." He said.

I waited for a while.

"Good night, Alexander." I eventually whispered, mind still reeling.

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