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I pushed the door open softly.

I half-expected Zen to be sitting there, on the bed where we had lay together so many times, smiling at me.

I let out a small sigh. I did what I had to do.

I walked over to an open drawer. Sheets of paper were lying on the floor. The whole house had been turned upside down when the Council had ravaged through our things.

I picked up a sheet of paper off the floor. It was a drawing of the room. I ran my thumb over the ink.

Another drawing caught my attention. My face was etched into the paper.

I smiled sadly, sitting back onto the bed.

My eyes traced the lines that Zen had drew.


I cracked open my eyes.

Sunlight was streaming through the windows, lighting the whole room up. The sheets were tangled around me.

I turned to see the space beside me empty. But at the foot of the bed, on a chair, there he was. His eyes were trained on a sheet of paper he held in his hands. The sound of scratching of chalk on paper filled the room. I had grown accustomed to it.

I yawned, pulling the covers over my head, and turning to lie on my stomach. I snuggled into the sheets, very much comfortable.

It wasn't long before the bed sank down slightly with Zen's weight.

"Morning, love." He muttered, fingers prying the covers away from my face.

I smiled at him sleepily.

He chuckled, before lying down beside me. I shifted myself so that I was lying on him now, my face buried into his neck. Zen rested a hand on top on my head.

"What were you drawing?" I asked slowly, eyes still closed.

"The room," Zen replied. "You."

I opened my eyes and stared up at him. "Me, I get. But why the room?" I questioned, grinning.

Zen's lips remained still, but his eyes were smiling down at me. "I like to draw certain places and people at different points in my life. It marks a significant memory on the timeline of my life." He told me gently.

I smiled. I liked how the lights in his eyes were dancing.

"You seem happy." I remarked, resting my palm on the side of his face.

"I am." Was his simple reply.

We were shaken out of our thoughts when the door to the bedroom slammed open.

We both turned simultaneously to see Izaac stumble in, yawning and rubbing his face. "Get up," He grumbled. "I need breakfast."

He walked into the cupboard just as the words left his mouth. He muttered something, before disappearing into the bathroom.

I gave Zen an exasperated look.

Zen sighed, "Is this what having a kid feels like?"

I laughed lightly.


I was a significant memory to him.

I glanced up as the door creaked open softly. Izaac walked in, giving me a small smile. He sat down beside me.

After a while of silence, he spoke up.

"I don't get it," He murmured, turning to look at me. "Why did they let us leave?"

I shrugged, "I gave Emilio what he wanted. He asked for me to kill the one who knew me best, and I did it. It just wasn't who he thought it was."

"Hell, it wasn't who I thought it was." Izaac said. There was a pause, before he continued, "But why? How?"

I smiled to myself. "Zen knew they were going to make me choose," I told Izaac. "He made sure that I was closest to him. Even closer than our bond."

Both Izaac and I fell into a comfortable silence afterwards.

I wasn't sure if Zen was just using me to ensure both Izaac's and my survival, or whatever else, but I knew that the experiment the Council had done on him went terribly wrong. He shouldn't have been capable to love. Yet, he did.

Was that his downfall, or his strength?

I didn't know.

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