Chapter One: The Arrival

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*** The Williams Residence ***

"Connie, come down for supper," Her Mother calls out and returns to the kitchen. As she walks over to the stove a man eases out of the shadows and stands silently watching her from the doorway.

"Connie, I'm not going to tell you again," she shouts as he advances toward her. Just as she's about to turn around he grabs her and she screams.

Turning around quickly, she begins to laugh, "Greg you scared me!" He laughs as well as they hold each other and share a kiss.

"When did you get home?" Elizabeth asks.

"Actually, I just walked in the door," he moves his hand to the small of her back. "I've missed you."

She looks at him slyly. "I can tell.  I've missed you too."

He pulls her closer, "I know you've just finished supper, but I don't think I can wait until we eat."

"Well, you're going to have to. Connie's actually at home for once."

He sighs, "Well, all good things come to those who wait."  He turns and walks toward the hall. "I'm going to my office and check my e-mails."

"Alright, but hurry up and drag your daughter back when you come."  As he leaves the kitchen the doorbell rings. "I'll get it," Elizabeth shouts as she turns the stove off and heads for the front door.

Entering the living room she stops suddenly. The wooden door's standing open, and looking through the glass door she sees three figures outside. They appear to be teenagers and all of them are wearing dark jackets with hoods partially covering their faces.

Against her better judgment, she cautiously steps toward them. "Can I help you?"

"Please, can we come in?" The tallest one asks.

Taking another step she begins to feel uneasy. "Is there anything wrong?"

"We're lost. Can you please help us?" The one on the left asks.

"Yeah, we're cold and scared." The one on the right continues the plea.

Elizabeth now stands at the door and the feeling of dread almost overwhelms her. As she continues to stare, the tall one slowly lifts her hood revealing her face and smiles.

She gasps, "Oh My God." She's looking into the blackest eyes she's ever seen.

"Open the door," the tall girl says; her voice echoes as a chorus of three.

Before Elizabeth realizes what's happened she's opened the glass door, and the three children are stepping inside.


*** Upstairs ***

Connie's lying on her bed with her earbuds on listening to music when she gets an eerie feeling. Rolling over onto her back she's startled. There's a girl looking at her from the bedroom doorway.

"Who," her voice cracks,  "are you?"

As the teen slowly approaches the bed, she removes her hood. "Don't you remember me?" 

Connie wants to scream, but she's frozen with fear after hearing her voice and staring into those eyes.

The figure climbs upon the bed and pushes her down.  They're now staring face to face as the other two walk into the room and stand on either side of the bed.

Terrified, all she can do is stare into those eyes. The others remain silent as the girl looks down upon her prey with an evil grin.

"Fear not my child, for I will let you live." She pauses for a moment as if she's feasting on her fear.  "Hear me, and remember my words."

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