Magcon Lovers

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Chapter 1

I woke up softly to the sun shining in my eyes. I slowly sit up in bed and look around my room and it is flooded with sunlight. My window is wide open. I pull the blankets off me and ealk to my bedroom door. I am about to pull the knob when I hear people talking.

"Can we go in now?"

"Wait till she is awake!"

"Come on lets surprise her!"

"Just wait!"

I can barely recognize the voices because they are muffled from behind the door. I decide to open the door and slowly walk out. I try and peek down the stairs to see who is down there, but I can't see anyone. I slowly and quietly walk down the stairs. I try and look and see if the people are in the kitchen. I see some shadows and hear someone talking.

"Is she awake yet?"

"Can you be patient?"

"Ugghh! I have been waiting for this and now I just want to let out everything!"

"I know me too!"

I walk down the stairs now and go into the kitchen.


I smile as I see my two bestfriends Maddie and Ruby.

"Hey!" i yell as I run over to them. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We have got a surprise for you!" says Maddie.

"What? what is it?" i ask anxiously.

"Close your eyes." says Ruby

I close my eyes and hear them walking around and slightly giggling here and there, which makes me smile.

"Ok open." they say

I open my eyes and see a huge stack of pancakes and a glass of orange juice. There is a little bowl of syrup on the side.

"Happy Birthday!" they yell

"Thank you guys! i looovvee pancakes!!" i yell. i give them both a huge hug.

"Your welcome!" they say.

"Do you guys want to eat them with me?" i ask

"Sure!" they say

I am about to sit down when i see a slip of paper under the plate. i slowly pull it out without letting any of the pancakes fall, and open it.

"AAAHHHH!!" I scream.

Inside the folded piece of a Magcon ticket.

Chapter 2

"How? i thought they were all sold out?" i ask

"Yea, they were all sold out after we had bought the last ones!" says Ruby excitedly.

"What about you guys?" i ask

I look at them and they both pull out a ticket from behind their backs.

"Yay! when do we go?"

"The event is tomorrow!" says Maddie.

"I have to get packed!!" i say as i run upstairs to my room.

I open my bedroom door and run to my closet. I grab my suitcase and start thowing all my clothes inside it.

"Hurry Mia we have to make a flight!" Yells Ruby.

"Ok!" i answer

I put a bunch of bathroom products in a ziplock bag and throw it in my suitcase. I zip up my suitcase and throw on a pair of Adidas sweatpants and a Shirt that says; lol ur not a magcon boy. I grab my vans and suitcase and run downstairs.

Magcon LoversWhere stories live. Discover now