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Kelsie's pov

When I came back home from school I saw my brother Hunter being patted on his shoulder by daddy, mummy was standing beside daddy tears of joy coming out of  her beautiful blue eyes ..

I left the room not to intrude their happiness. 

I Passed hall, watching all the ladies and men talking ..

I went to the games room ..

I saw many teenagers playing game I quickly sat in the corner of the room ..

Soon my brother entered in and everyone started shouting  ..

"Congratulations, mate " "Congrates Hunter..!!" "Congratulations bro.."

"Thanks guys .." Hunter said

Everyone got settled ..

I went closer to Hunter

"Brother.?" he looked up at me

"Yes.?" he said in an uninterested voice .

" Congratulations, but Why is everyone congratulating you ?"  I Asked

"Because I've found my mate,retard." he snapped ..

Tears started to pool in my eyes, but I went back and sat down back in the corner .

Why does things like this happens to me. ?

Am I really that stupid .?

- No you are not -     my Wolf Krista said

But everyone calls me a retard

- That doesn't makes you a retard-she replied again..

I blocked her out and headed towards forest to go for a run .

I properly hid my clothes and shifted into my white wolf, I'm not a rare wolf ..

The world's strongest pack Black Riders Pack  is the pack of rare wolves.

I ran deeper into the forest near the river and lay down on the grass and closed my eyes .















I woke up when a wave of an excruciating pain hit me in my leg.

I let out a whimper and got up ...

I was still in my wolf form. I looked up to see a black wolf , a lot  bigger than me. It had Brown eyes .

It started  growling at me. I just backed away but fell down because of the wound ..

I bowed my head, but to no Vail,  it launched itself on me.

I was struggling hard to loose grip on me but instead he bit my leg harder than before, piercinghis teeth deep inside my leg,  I let out a howl.

He clawed me on my arm and kept clawing me until  he was pushed off from me.

I saw another big black wolf growling at him and nudging him to go back ..

Soon I was left alone in that forest.

I started to black out, I never wanted to die with such an excruciating pain.
















I woke up with an excruciating pain.

I scanned my surroundings.

My room??

Was that a dream..??

Then I saw my wound and heard a deep growl.

I looked up to see my brother standing their with golden eyes .

"Where the Fuck were you gone ..!!!???" he yelled "The guard on patrolling found you in the woods ..!!  Who did this ..!!?" he completed

I couldn't speak anything..

"Speak the Fuck up, God Dammit.!!"

The words were still not coming out of my mouth ..

"You Know What..???!! That's the reason everyone calls you a retard ..!! You're a pathetic excuse for a daughter ... I hope you die before your mate rejects you..!!! because he wouldn't want a retard as his mate .. You know why we hide you whenever we have a pack meeting.?? Because we don't you anyone to find about you, especially your mate. I feel pity for him that he got you as his mate ..YOU ARE AN EMBARRASSMENT FOR MY FAMILY, MY PACK AND THIS WHOLE WEREWOLF CLAN IN THIS WORLD..."  He then stormed out of my room and slammed the door shut hard..

Oh My God .! Am I really an embarrassment ..?

Now I seriously wish that, that black wolf should have killed me ...


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