Keeping you in line

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Resting my back leg I snort in consent as I watch my father skim his eyes around the perimeter. My mother grazing next to him I blink my eyes slowly, "trouble". My fathers voice jumps me awake and I perk my ears, "yes father"? I whisper and he looks back to me, "go play with your brothers". Looking at my mother she smiles slightly and I start to walk away, my head low and strides long I watch the bunnies jump around the dirt with no control.

Arriving to where my brothers play fight I stand tall and look at them, "come on trouble, if you're such a tough guy why don't you come fight me". My brother that I don't think likes me, troy, stares at me with a daring look. My older brother, hunter,sighs and shakes his mane, "troy you know we're bigger then him, he isn't mature enough yet"- "I got this hunter". I mumble and slide down the hill, staring at troy with eyes of my own that show no mercy I smirk.

"If he's so big and powerful how come father and you can beat him". I flick my tail and lift my head up higher, suddenly troy charges after me and i bite his neck. He bites my withers and I wince in pain but push him back, he starts to bite harder and I bite his leg. He falls but gets back up and bites my rump, kicking out I trot away with my head high. He follows and grabs my tail, yanking hard I start to buck hard into mid air. "Come on tough guy". He growls out and I charge after him, grabbing his ear I rip out and hope to cause some pain.

Looking at his eyes I feel him bite my leg, kneeling down I try to nip at him but the pain is a little too much. Laying down in defeat I pin my ears, looking up I notice my father and mother staring at me. My father shakes his head and with that walks away, sighing I stand up and shake my coat. "One day trouble". Hunter whispers and continues to play fight with troy, looking down sadly I start my way back up the hill. My mother nuzzling my side softly I shake my head, "trouble". She whispers and I look at her, "get lessons from hunter".

Looking down at hunter he smiles at me before getting his ear bit, blinking slowly I look back to my mother. "What's the point when one simple bite to the leg I resign". Looking down I walk away with the flick of my tail, feeling bad I didn't take her advice but there's no way I can win a fight with anyone.

Noticing my father trot pass me I lift my head high and notice a bachelor group, looking back at my mom I run over. "Mom stay close". I whisper and she looks at me with a little nod, running towards the small lake I keep my eyes on the group but also on where I'm going. Going down the hill I watch my mother go down slower than I have ever seen, but I notice something in the corner of my eye. Looking over I see a large group of females,perking my ears they all look at me. Trotting towards me I look at my mother, "mom". I nuzzle her softly and she smiles, "I'll be fine".

Looking back to the group I see one mare in specific, her eyes blue and her coat Palomino I perk my ears towards her. But everything changes when I notice troy rounding the corner where they came from, a unique beauty to happen turned into a damn monster. Looking around I notice no where the go besides the water, pinning my ears the mares go into the water. Seeing troy charge towards me I roll my eyes, we just fought he really thinks I want to do this again.

"I don't want to fight brother". I yell out as he slides a stop, kicking dirt up into my face but I don't blink. He smirks and I lift my head up high, "come on don't you want to have all those mares". He looks back at them and I notice the Palomino mare looking right at me, pinning my ears I look back to troy. "No I don't want anything, not wasting my time". Flicking my tail I turn away and put my head low, pinning my ears way back my mother starts to trot away. May not be the nicest way to guide her away but, she can't be near troy at the moment cause all he cares about is those mares.

Resting near a small bush I stare at troy getting down to business with the mares, making them go into his little area away from us. "My boy finally did it". My father laughs and I look at him, he stares at troy with proud looking eyes. "He's been chasing that herd ever since a colt". Rolling my eyes I look away, "hey trouble". My father calls me out and I look back to him, "why not make a better choice then sitting on your ass all day and fight troy". Looking away I sigh, "can't dad, he will win. No point in getting hurt if you get nothing out of it".

He chuckles and I shake my mane, "thought my last son would at least be grateful for his genes". Walking away with pinned ears I go to the river, looking at the water I notice my reflection. I'm not even close to being as good as my father, not even troy. Suddenly I hear a thunder of hooves, looking up I notice troy running the opposite way of the territory. Looking behind me my mother runs over to me, "trouble come on, drew is coming". Perking my ears she starts to run and I run after her, but before I got the chance to lead her to safety a random thud hits my side and I tumble to the ground.

Standing up I notice it was another stallion who already stood tall, pinning my ears I start to see a circle form around me of stallions. Lifting my head high I look at all of them, and then I see an opening. But of course a huge blue roan stallion trots into the circle with a evil laugh. Pinning my ears I watch him closely, "awe trouble, last time we met you were just a colt".  Looking down I start to see a pattern, he toke troy and hunter when they were young, and he toke my mother once. "Now that you're all grown up id like to take you".

Please don't tell me that was a dirty way of saying what I think he meant to say, "I'm not going with you". I snort and shake my mane, "awe come on, it's just until I get what I want". He slows down to a walk and I perk an ear, "you won't get shit". I bite his neck and he steps back, "then your mother will die, you don't want that right"? He tilts his head and I look towards the four, my mother,brothers and father.

Closing my eyes I think hard and almost towards a minute on my golden option. Breathing out I whinny loudly and rear up at him, kicking out hoping to hit something I do but not where I wanted to hit.

Turning around I buck in his face and hit something else, I feel a small nip on my rump and I buck again. Turning back around I bite his leg and make him kneel down, but that leads to him bitting my leg and making me fall.

Closing my eyes I accept that I can't beat him, no matter the kicks and bites. Blinking slowly I look at him, "nice try now let's go". The stallions form a line and I'm the last one to go besides dean, standing up I notice my legs shaking. He puts his head low and pins his ears, trotting towards the group he follows close behind me with a couple nips. Suddenly I see a galloping horse coming towards us, looking over it's the mare. Perking my ears I stop and she smiles towards me, sliding a stop she makes a large dirt cloud so of course I run.

Appearing out of the cloud I laugh slightly and look at her, she laughs along and man did she have a laugh. Looking behind me I see dean trying to run after us, bucking I start to turn towards my mother. She runs back to her group and I run back to mine, stopping in front of her my mom smiles. "Good job baby".

Flicking my tail troy stands there with a gaped mouth, laughing with my head high I trot pass my father and my brothers. Flicking my tail I shake my mane and look at dean, seeing him with pinned ears and anger in his eyes I laugh. "I win". I trot towards the river and enjoy my victory drink, along with of course the mare by my side.

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