The transformation🐟️➡👦

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A/n: This chapter will be in the third person and let's see where these two love fish go😉. P.s. I felt very descriptive while writing this.

Gupta, Heracles, and Sadik watched in amazement as Kiku's tail turned into human legs, and the glow around his tail started to fade. Heracles soon fell to embarrassment when he took a glance at Kiku's lower region and looked away. Heracles hoped the flames of his blush didn't flare too bright.

Sadik caught sight of Heracles flare while an amused smirk slid across his face.

Gupta was pleased with the results of the pendant. He pulled out some clothes and gave to Heracles. Heracles was confused until he spoke.

"How about you help 'Kiku' put on these clothes because he seems more relaxed with you than Sadik and I."

Heracles was about to give a retort, but Gupta had other plans for him to help Kiku.

"Hey Kiku, Heracles wants to know if you..."

Heracles saw what was going on and sighed in defeat with his head hanged low. Gupta inwardly smirked victoriously at his shenanigan.

"Wanted help with these human garments."

"Why do I need those?" Kiku asked curiously.

"Well, it's not a-really normal, unless you're a-French, to see a human walking around... a-naked," Sadik explained.

Kiku looked at his now nude body and stared curiously at why humans must wear garments all over there bodies. He looked at the three men that stood in the room wanting an answer, so he tried to get up off the floor and fell back down again. He landed on his plump tush, but he tried again by leaning on the table next to the tub. Seeing his distress, Heracles came to his side, despite his racing heart and the sweating of his palms, he wrapped his arm around Kiku's torso and walked him to a chair near the table.

"C-can you sit down on the chair please", Heracles stuttered.

Kiku nodded in rely and sat on the chair, he looked around in the small room. He still didn't know where he was and there were so many curious trinkets and objects that caught his eye. The objects around the room ranged from small and innocent, to strange unknown things, to things that may appear in his nightmares. He wondered how Gupta found all these extravagant treasures from.

"Um, Gupta where did you get arr these curious things from?"

"Oh, I got them from trade in the marketplace. Why do you ask?"

"Werr, because I'm curious and what is a maketprace?"

"It's a place where you can buy, collect, and sell items and trinkets, but you need to learn human educate and to blend into the crowd."

"Oh, then I'rr have to rearn your human ways than."

This took the three men by surprise. They didn't know where to start since there're many cultural customs and etiquette. Well, why not start off with the pirate's customs then?

"If ye gonna learn the-a human ways then ya gonna have' ta teach us your merfolk ways, deal?"

Kiku pondered about this and was conflicted with his head and heart. He wanted to learn those ways but at the cost of revealing the secrets of the merfolk world to humans. Oh well, you gotta live it. Although Kiku made an oath to protect the way of the merfolk and persevere it, he knows that most of the merfolk he knew thought he was dead.

"Arright, I wirr teach my ways to you as you wirr teach your ways to me."

"Well then, it's a deal. Let's-a shake on it", Sadik said sticking out his hand.

Kiku gave a confused look before Sadik took notice and explained the gesture to him.

"This is a-how we formally say hello, and how to seal a truthful deal/bet."

A small pale 'O' formed on Kiku's lips.

"Then I must show you how merfork formarry say herro."

The three humans were interested so they agreed.

"First, you extend your arm with your hand in a fist rike so", Kiku said demonstrating the gesture." Then you bend your arm towards your chest and the fist turned upright". 

( Author Madly chants: Sie sind das essen und wir sind die Jager!)

The others did the same thing and looked at Kiku to see if they did it right. They asked Kiku to fix any mistakes they were doing and Kiku adjusted their mistakes. He then showed them the merfolk's ethnic ways of mannerism, tradition, education, and gestures. Heracles told him that there were a lot of different customs on land than there is in the sea. So, they taught Kiku the various things that they were taught. 

(つ◕౪◕)つ━☆゚.*・。゚☆゚.*・。゚ A Magical Few Days ☆゚.*・。゚☆゚.*(☼Д☼) 'le  gasp'

Kiku was fascinated with the human world even more and he wanted to learn more of its customs and people. He wanted to interact, converse, feel, taste, and see more as his curiosity grew. It had been a few days since they landed, and gained a sufficient amount of supplies and deliveries to spread across the seas.

The crew got to work in, out, on, and off the boat as they checked inventory, medical supplies, and maintenance of the ship. Berwald, Leon, and Matthias worked on deck to prepare the ship for the voyage ahead, they checked the ship from stern to bow. While Arthur and Ivan were in the marketplace looking, trading, selling and buying items for the next adventure that will be their greatest adventure. They were also scoping out for news, tips, and valuable info that can help them out if in trouble or if captured.

"Okay Kiku you're going to meet the others, and some of them may be a little bit outlandish but they're good people", Heracles explained.

Kiku nodded as be wondered if the crew was as nice as Heracles said they were. He was caught up in his thoughts that Heracles tapped him back into reality.

"Kiku, are you alright? You seemed a bit dazed."

"Oh, I'm just excited to my your pod, Heracles."

"Okay... wait pod? Is that a merfolk thing?"

"Hai, it is. It's rike your crew, but more famiry oriented".

"Ah, okay, I am glad that I learned another merfolk term. Now let's get you oriented".

----- After the crew got to know Kiku●

"Let's make one more round of shopping in the marketplace before leaving this port", Sadik proclaimed.

"Heracles, you and Kiku go on the last supply run, and pick up any valuable information", added Arthur.

"Sadik can you come with us as werr?"

"Yea, might as a-well".

The trio set off into the marketplace for the last time, but unexpected events will happen during this last trip. I wonder how the trio will react~. For the marketplace of secrets has opened its stalls to them.

I'm so sorry that it's been nearly 1 years or so and school had nearly beaten my ass raw!😖😫 But, I'm still kicking and plz comment, share, and subscribe! BYE!

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