Chapter 28

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(Clems pov)
Gabe and I went to tell David about Kate. He came on and couldn't believe whaf he saw. Him and gabe must feel so alone right now, especially gabe, he is literally there everytime he loses someone lately.

We sat together outside while AJ played with other kids. I looked at him and saw he was blanked face and felt like he was alone.

"Gabe" I said trying to get his attention. He looked over to me asking what I wanted but not with words, just with his expression.

"I really am sorry, I am I went through that exact same experience with jane" I told him remembering the site.

"I'm sorry about that" he said in a dead and raspy voice.

"Gabe...I understand your dad is all you have left now and..."
"He doesn't even feel like my dad" he inturpted. He just sat there looking at me as I looked at him.

"Clem your all i have now" he said looking at the ground. I felt so happy with him but being the only one left for him scares me.

"You and AJ are all I have" I told him with a slight smile. "So promise me you won't leave me" I told him with a serious face, but I already regret saying it because It could happen any day to any of us.

"I promise clementine" he told me smiling again.

"Everyone back in your houses now!" Someone yelled as the new Frontier members were running to the front of the gate and civilians were running to there homes.

"What's going on" gabe asked me as I got AJ. I looked over where they were all going and saw Horde was on the gate...GIANT horde.

"Fuck it's a horde" I told him. We started running, not to the house just anywhere else. I wanted to help fight.

Short again....I dunno next chapter if u guys just wanna know how it ends I'll just make next one an ending but up to u all, peace

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