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(Alright.... Yee ok I think ik what this is)

Gabe-"we need to find my dad Clementine" he said stopping in his place.

Clem-"ok I'll help you but I need to find a place besides here,  I always knew it wouldn't hold"

Gabe picks up AJ on his way to his dad with Clementine, on the way to check the hospital first.

Gabe- "he might be here with the doctor guy,  he said they are friends.. But it might be crowded"

Clem-"look I'll go in and you watch AJ I'll be faster"

Gabe-"what no. He is my dad I'm going to with you. "

Clem- "have I don't want AJ at risk"

"Fine" Gabe said going tithe back with AJ for when his dad and Clem get out.

Gabe sees a heavy swat van to get in and stays with AJ waiting for both of them to come out.

"David... David common Gabe is looking for you" she started tellin running down halls and rooms.

"Clementine, come here" she hears someone call from behind.

"David common Gabe is waiting for you outside we need to go" she said getting to to walk a few feet.

"I can walk Clementine where is he" he said with stubbornness.

They  out and Gabe opens the door to yell for them.

"Guys in here common" they hear Gabe yell.

They turn around and get inside with him as walkers are swarming the car.

"Do you have keys?" Clem asked getting ready. 
"What?  No I thought my dad would have some" he said looking at him.

"No I never have keys  any vehicle on me they are in the armory.

"goddammit" Clem yelled not knowing what to do.

"Wait where is your dog Gabe" he is here with us she is in the back " he said.

(This was a lazy way to put the dog in I only just remembered he has a dog... And I may be a evil dud but I would never have a doggo die)

"Ok.. I can try to hot wire it to get it started" Clem said getting down under the wheel.

5 minutes go by after she finally gets it and floors it through the gate and heads anywhere far from there.

"Where are we going Clem" Gabe asked coming to the seat.

"Anywhere that is a small town far from here" she said looking at the road.

"There is a place I know only a few minutes from here" said David. "Turn right up ahead" he said.

They pull into a town called silver back.

They all get out and David grabes gave by the arm and looks at him.

"What are you doing" he said confused anf worried.

"Gabe.. I was in the hospital for a reason" David said letting go of Gabes arm.

He lifts up his sleeve and shows a bite mark. Still fresh blood so it was recent.

"What the fuck dad... You out AJ at risk getting in that car with us." He said stepping back frowning at him.

"Gabriel, I'm your father I would do anything to put you In danger" he said getting closer.

"You haven't been my father for years... Even before this all happen all you cared about was war and leading.  Javi was a better dad in 2 years then you were all 13 years." He said leaving.

"Clem we need to go.  My dad is bit and I want nothing to do with it" he said getting back in the car.

"Wait shouldn't we.. " "no just get AJ and buffie back in the car and let's go."

He cut her off getting in the car.

"Gabe he is your dad... The most you can do is be here when he goes " she said stepping up to the window.

"He wasn't here for Kate wasn't there for mari wasn't there for javi why should I be there for him" he said looking back at here frowning and tearing up at the realisation he truly has no one left.

"... Because Gabe... Your a better person then he is... Not the same" she said to him hugging him when he got out.

"Yeah.... Ok we can stay... But then leave ok?"

"Yeah I agree make sure you help me look for a clear area to set up for the night in a few ok? " she said to him as she got AJ and buffie.

(Alright I have the next chapter in meh mind but I'm done for today... So yee but just so it's not same thing I'll let you choice some elements to add to this.)

The choices are.
New characters.
Growing up
One left.
Or cure

Yee these da only things I think of so yee ima so sleep

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 18, 2018 ⏰

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