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Phil got up from the couch and left the room with a wave goodbye. Dan abruptly got up from the couch without saying a word. I immediately realized the warmth he provided and I felt a shiver down my spine. I pulled a fuzzy blanket up to my chin and turned back to look at Dan. He was standing at the door and he turned around to face me. He held up his pointer finger telling me to wait. I turned my head back around to continue watching the anime. 

I could tell that Dan was making something in the kitchen. He wasn't being very discrete with all the noise he was making. I wonder why they haven't been evicted yet making this much noise at 11 o' clock at night. I heard the muffled sound of a kettle whistling. Tea, a smile emerged on my face just at the thought.

Dan came back only a moment later with a One Direction and Hello Kitty mug. He handed me the One direction mug as he dramatically bowed slightly and said, "For you m' lady." I took a big swig of my drink. I immediately regretted it as it burned half of my mouth. 

I put my hand over my mouth and exclaimed, "Um, Ow." Dan found my pain funny and bursted out laughing as he sat down next to me on the grey couch. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer. I laid my head against his chest and took sips of my tea, cautiously, this time. 

When the anime was finished I sat up. "I need to go home," I sighed.

"Why? You can stay here if you want. Its late are you sure?" Dan asked hoping that I would stay.

"Dan, I live two meters away from your front door. I'll be fine." I hugged him and stood up. It's not like I didn't want to stay. I wanted to; I really wanted to. I just didn't want him to get tired of me. I walked down the stairs and picked up my bomber jacket and keys next to their front door. I left their flat and entered mine. 

I dropped my keys and jacket right at my door and sluggishly walked into my room. I changed into some black pajama shorts and a band tee. I did my nightly routine and fell into my bed. 

I texted Dan to say goodnight and tried to fall asleep. My mind was racing and decided that it wanted to be awake even through my body was begging for sleep. I laid there staring at the ceiling for ages. I decided to text Dan to see if he was awake. Even though my intentions at the beginning of the night was not to make him tired of me; I texted him anyway. 

Me: are you awake i cant sleep

Not even a minute later he responded

Danyul: me neither :/

Me: can you come over the door is unlocked

Danyul: sure thing

Danyul: ill lecture you on leaving your door unlocked in london tomorrow btw

I heard my front door open and the jingle of keys. He must have seen my keys on the floor and locked the door. He was such a dork. He walked into my room.


"Hey." Dan walked over to the bed and got under the covers. He laid next to me and spooned me. I immediately realized how short these pajama bottoms are and how my arse is half way exposed to him. His presence comforted me though and I quickly relaxed. I could hear his steady breathing and it lulled me to the brink of sleep. I turned around to face him although it was so dark you couldn't really see anything. 


"For what?" Dan questioned.

"Helping me adapt to London. Thanks for just being there. I had close to nothing, no friends and no family here." I said honestly.

"Do you miss them? Your family?" I couldn't see Dan but I could sense his concern.

"No, not at all."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not tonight. Let's just sleep."

(A/N: Alright bitches... I mean lovely readers. I know this is late and last week I said twice a week and failed. I'm sorry okay, school sucks ass. We have a huge project coming up so I think I can only promise a chapter once a week but I will post more if I have time. This chappie was very underwhelming but has a lot of fluff. It is just a filler chapter putting together some drama down the road. You heard that correctly, internet, DRAMA. Imma say it louder for the people in the back. Okay. I'll go home. Happy reading.)

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