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Dan's POV
So, it's been a few days since I went to Y/N's flat to help her sleep. To be truly honest it helped me sleep as well. She was so cute when she slept. She, curled up in a little ball, her head on my chest and steady breathing was slowly picking away at my heart strings.

The things she said about her family before hand did make me very curious, but I am sure that she will tell me when she is ready. I don't want to push it too far since it clearly bothers her.
In these curiosity filled days Y/N and I have seen each other everyday just hanging out and going to eat at small pubs and cafes. She would always give me the same sassy look every time I would refuse to let her pay. She would always try to fight me and make deals about her paying for the next meal, which I never let happen.

Y/N shows so much interest in YouTube and isn't scared by it at all. I think it's amazing. She always asks me questions that no one has ever asked; things that take a long time to conjure up in your head. I'm trying to convince her to get a channel for her music. Her music is brilliant. Sometimes when I walk out of my flat I can hear her faint singing from inside her flat. She refuses to sing in front of me. Which makes me sad but I totally understand, because that would be me if I could sing.

I find myself always wanting to be with Y/N. Phil always teases me and says that I love her. Love. Its such a big word in small package. See, I love anime, YouTube, and Phil. There is so many types of love yet one word. The whole concept confuses me, but maybe Phil is right.

I am willing to find out but is she?

Speaking of Phil, he has been constantly hanging out with Pj. Almost every night he goes out with Pj. It has kinda put a wedge in between us since I have been with Y/N and he has been with Pj. We still make time to film regular videos with each other, so our viewers don't know. I miss my best friend. Maybe he can stay in tonight and we can watch a film and catch up.

I get out of my bed and walk over to Phil's room. I knock on the door and I hear a faint, "Come in." I open the door and sit on Phil's brightly coloured bed sheets.

"So I was thinking that we should watch a movie tonight or play some video games. I feel like we haven't had a night with just us in ages." I look up to see Phil's expression. His face fills with pity as he looks down at his hands.

He looks back to me. "I can't I am going out with Pj tonight. Sorry, Dan." He shows no expression on his face and he continues to nervously move his hands. He's lying. I abruptly stand up and walk to the door composing my anger.

I stand at the door way and without emotion ask, "Door open or closed?"

"Closed. I'm going to leave in about 10 minutes."

I mutter an, "Okay," under my breath that he probably didn't hear as I close is door. The colour in his room seemed obnoxious now. It was usually comforting, but now I was begging to get away from it. I plop down on my bed and stare at the cracked ceiling. I wish that the roof would just fall on me already. I didn't think that Phil would ever lie straight to my face like that. A few salty tears left my heavy eyes. The tears burned as they ran down my face. I feel so betrayed.

I throw my arm in the direction of my phone and hold it above my head hoping that I don't drop my phone on my face. I open my messages and tap on Y/N's name. I quickly remember that she was going out to eat with a guy. She said he was in the music business and had offered to listen to her stuff and give some input. He probably thought he could get in her pants. She was so beautiful and naive he would try and take advantage of a small artist trying to get their music out there. I stopped myself. I was just angry and now I was worrying. Y/N was smart and I don't have a claim to what she does with him anyway.

I threw my phone down on my bed and trudged to the bathroom. I turned the handle of the sink and splashed the cold water on my face trying to wash away my jealousy and anger. The burning in my face went down slightly. As I dry my face I hear Phil leave the house. I needed an Advil. I open the medicine cabinet and down two pills without any water.

I walk back to my bedroom, take off my shirt, and sit on the grey scale sheets. I put my laptop on my lap and start to scroll through Tumblr. I started looking at some fan art but I ended up reading the milk fic. The progression of the night was scary. I look at the time and at the bottom of my screen it reads 3:00.

Phil should be home by now. Yes, I was angry with him but I was still worried. I quickly call Phil. Phil doesn't answer. I then call Pj. At the last ring Pj finally answered. His voice was groggy. I had clearly woken him up.

"Mate, do you know that it is three AM?" Pj questioned clearly annoyed.

I ignore his question and get straight to the point. "Is Phil with you?"


"Was he with you at all tonight?"

"No. Dan you're scaring me. Is Phil alright?" Pj waited for a response. "Dan?"

I didn't answer; I just hung up.

(A/N: wow. 1003 words. Sorry for the long chapter. Idk maybe you enjoyed it. I had a terrible day at school so I guess I needed this story as an outlet. Don't expect long chapters all the time I just got into Dan's POV.

DRAMA'S A BREWIN' Who do you think Phil is with?

IG: how.dnp.stole.my.soul


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