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🐲 Rainbow Dash POV 🐲

Morning time I woke up, because I heard Rarity screaming from her room, I get up and take a quick bath. Head out to her room, I wasn't the only one my family's were there too.

"Alright Rarity what's wrong dear" Father asked.
"There were a baby dragon under my bed" She said.
'A baby dragonI thought  there were no dragons here' I thought myself.

I walked to under her bed, she's right there a baby dragon. Awe it so cute, for a baby dragon.


"Rarity is this the dragon, that you've been screaming about" I said.
"Awe, it's so cute...can I hold it Rain" Flutter Shy pleaded.
"Sure thing Flutter Shy" I give her the baby dragon to her.
"Father can I keep it" She asked.
"Is that what you want...I would rather Rainbow had the dragon, because the dragon didn't look so happy. Not with Rainbow Dash hold it" Father explain.

Father was right, the dragon is getting a little uncomfortable when Flutter Shy hold him 'that dragon is a male....male lightning dragon' she gave me back the dragon, he's start crawling into my back. He's sound sleepy/sleepyhead.

"I think you've found your gift dear...you are now a dragons princess, all the dragons will obey you and only you, no pony else's" our mother said ( Celestia ).
"You have done well my daughter...we're so proud of you darling" We group hugs.
"But...for now you will live alone on your own castle, that we've build for you...SURPRISES HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU RAINBOW DASH" every ponies cheers for me.
"My birthday...I thought you all forget about__" Twilight elbow me to cut me off guard I said " well...thank you"

We decided to see my very own castle, not far from Equestria...only about 35 minutes to get there. Here we are its big & nice full with a beautiful view, I love it.

"For now on you will crowned as a dragons princess, we must prepare for your coronation" Aunt Luna said.
"Yes, your coronation will begin in 1 week for now let's__" father was cut off by the sound of a loud 'BANG' coming from the distance.

I look to the ground and saw...some kinda a dragon potions or a dragon bottle. I feel baby dragon get down and start to give it to me, he said I must drink it...just 1 dropped, I had a bad feeling about this. I drink it the potion it's the most terrible things I had ever done. Everything is destroyed every ponies is dead including my family's, I'm all alone now Equestria has been destroyed by me, I'm a monster....A MONSTER.

I thought it was real, it's only a nightmare...I hope the dream that I had will never be happened or come true, because I feel like I cannot do something right. Let just hope things didn't turn out the way we planned.

I decided to stay up a little while, walking towards to balcony see the stars shining bright like a diamond in the sky, after stay up like for about 15 minutes I decided to get back to sleep with a beautiful dream.

MLP the princess ( Celestia ) and the prince ( Solaris ) daughters.Where stories live. Discover now