Paultryck (Everybody Talks)

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AU: High-school

Ages: Patryck is 16, Paul is 19 (canonly, they have a 5-year difference but for this, i'll make it 3)

Warning/Notes: fluff

Song: Everybody Talks, Neon Trees.


Patryck was sitting by himself, his earphones playing music in his ears as he rested his cheek on his hand, sighing softly as he watched Paul mess around with his friends. He wished he had the courage to start a conversation with him. It wasn't like they were complete strangers, he just got shy and nervous around Paul, like he'd say something he'd regret, or something weird.

A small sigh escaped the boy's lips as he heard the bell ring. Now he had a class where he sat next to Paul, the thought alone was making him nervous. Maybe he'd just listen to his music and be anti-social as best as he could.

That sounded like a good plan.

He stood up and hummed to himself, pulling his backpack onto his shoulders and starting to walk to class, trying not to look weird as he mouthed the lyrics to the song he was listening too. He glanced up as he leaned against the wall and smiled to himself, he always enjoyed this lesson: Art.

His eyes landed on Paul as he saw him walk towards him. Wait. Towards him? His heart started thumping against his chest. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.

As soon as Paul leaned against the wall next to him, he could smell the smoke on him and shakily got out some gum, offering it to him. Paul shot a small at him and put the gum in his mouth.

"Thanks." Paul smiled and chewed on the gum, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Don't mention it," Patryck whispered and went into class, sitting down and getting out his art book and pencil case. He sighed as he took his earphones out and listened to the teacher explain before he opened his sketchbook, jumping as Paul tapped him on the shoulder.

"Can I borrow a pencil?" he whispered.

Patryck gave a small nod and gave him a spare pencil he had, giving a shy smile before putting his earphones back in and starting to finish his sketch, humming to himself. The sketch he was working on was a male face, which had started to look like Paul. He didn't intend for this to happen, it just sorta... Happened. He was lovestruck, to say the least.

As the class went on, Patryck had managed to finish the sketch and now he had to colour it in. This would at least take up the rest of this lesson and possibly a little bit of the next. He leaned back in his chair and rubbed his eyes, taking one of his earphones out and stretching.

"Hey Pat," Paul said, once noticing Patryck wasn't indulged in his music. "Are you free after this lesson?"

"Oh, uh, yeah." Patryck choked out, glancing at him. "M-my next class is at 2:30," he added as he fiddled with his pencil.


At the end of the lesson, Patryck met up with Paul, his heart striking against his chest as he looked at the older male, trying to remain calm as he bit his lip slightly.

"I just wanted to ask you something. C'mon, follow me." Paul smiled and headed outside.

Once the two of them were outside in the quiet, Paul gazed down at Patryck and leaned against the wall.

"Are you going to prom?" he asked.

This caught Patryck by surprise but he answered with a nod, "Yeah. I-I guess..." he said slowly and looked down. "I don't have a date yet so I think I'll just go with a friend." he shrugged.

"Do you want to go with me?" he asked.

Patryck stared at Paul in shock, his face very quickly turning to a crimson red colour.

"Y-y-you want to t-t-take me to pr-prom?" he stuttered, staring at Paul in confusion.

"Of course, as friends." Paul smiled.

Ouch. Those words totally didn't stab his heart like daggers.

"Yeah. Friends." he choked out and looked away from him, Paul playfully punching his arm and walking away.

--- Prom ---

Prom night. Patryck was more than nervous. What if they got caught? What if he messed up? He shook his head and reminded himself; they were just going as friends.

"Hey Pat," Paul greeted, making the younger boy jump slightly.

"Hey Pau-" Patryck started as he stared at Paul and felt his face flush red. "W-wow, you look nice." he complimented and looked away shyly.

"Oh, thanks!" Paul chuckled and held his hand gently. "C'mon, let's go have fun." he smiled and walked in with Patryck, waving to his friends.

"Dude! You did it!" Tord laughed and ruffled Patryck's hair. "Relax, kid, nobody will find out." he smiled softly.

Paul smiled softly and sat down with Patryck.

"Hey, Pat?" Paul said, nudging him slightly to get his attention, once Patryck turned his head, Paul gently cupped his cheek and kissed him softly.

"I love you," he whispered, looking at Patryck's red face.

"I... I love you too," Patryck smiled and hugged Paul tightly, burying his flushed face into his chest, Paul gave a small laugh and started to play with his hair.

The two boys spent the rest of the night relaxing, well, that was until Tord ran off to the bathroom with tears rolling down his cheeks.

Oh no.

hhhh sorry if this seemed rush near the end, I just wanted to get it out and idk how to write confessing stuff??? so yeah,,, uhh, hope y'all like it.

This is probably my longest fic but yeah, the song may not sync up??? but oh well.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2017 ⏰

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