Episode 1: Diagnosis

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This is a script not a story. Just like in the app it is separated into clips. Any time you see  **** it is the end of one clip and the start of another. Any time you see (P) is is a brief pause in dialogue. Most sound effects are self explanatory but if you are confused keep reading and you will understand what you are hearing. 

(Door Opens and Closes) 

Dr. Meyers: Ok 5 let's see what you have done. (P) hmmm. Ok (P) (Quick shift of movement) Oh! Ok so that hurts. Well at least nothing seems to be broken, man what I wouldn't give for a functional X -Ray -- hmm alright why don't you stand on up. Yes good. I'm going to have you walk around the room here, now nice and slow 5  just like that. Let me watch your stride (P). Well you are definitely favoring it. It must be giving you quite a bit of trouble.  I'm going to have you do a quick series of exercises, just do them as best you can and we will go from there ok? I want to see how much damage is done but for now keep walking a little slower than you are now. That's great keep that pace. 


Dr. Meyers:  Alright how's that feeling?  I know it's only been a few minutes but if you were hurt even half as bad as Sam made it seem, well lets just say I was a little surprised to see both your legs still fully attached. Ok see that chart of stretches? Go through each one and hold them for about 30 - 45 seconds. Hmmm start with this one it should be fairly easy for you (P) Good 5! It's definitely not broken. Ok keep going through them and wee will see which ones you can't do at all. No not like that can you (P) oh that's as far as you can do that one. I wish I had a proper medical facility. We would be able to get you in and out of here in no time, knowing exactly what was wrong but (sigh) this is what we have to do now.  No wait you skipped one. Lean on me for support and take your leg, (P) oh man that's not good. You should be able to, ok hold on, take another couple laps around the room for a minute let's see if we can loosen it up. 


Dr. Meyers: You know, Sam was in a real panic when he came to get me. I guess as soon as 10 carried you through the gates he was out of the comms shack and flailing toward my lab. He burst through my door, screaming my name like a lunatic. I jumped and drew a line completely across my notes. (P). I couldnt even understand him at first, it sounded like your leg had been completly severed. I tried to get him to slow down and talk to me but he just grabbed my hand and dragged me back toward the hospital. "5's hurt" he told me and then he didnt say another word, just "5's hurt". I'd never seen him like that. It was pretty endearing honestly, I know he is protective of his runners but he was so concerned. (P) Well, you two are becoming fast friends; anyway, I bet he is anxious to know how you are doing. So let's finish this up. Ok step here 5. 


Dr. Meyers: Oh. Hmmm. You should have been able to do those. That's not good. You must have done more damage than I thought. (faltering and scuffle sounds) Careful 5! Ive got you, come on lean on me again. It's ok that you couldnt do that last exercise. I didnt want you to try again.  Sit down over here. I can't risk you injuring yourself further. Easy does it. There now I- (Knock at the door) 

Janine:  Sorry to interrupt you Dr. Meyers but I wanted to be sure you had a Runner Medical Release form. Even though the major is away I intend to keep thorough records and I noticed I hadn't recieved one from Runner 3, Simon Lauchlan's last visit. 

Dr. Meyers: I didnt think it appropriate to file one. He thought he had one grey hair and wanted me to make sure he wasnt excessively aging. 

Janine: Yes perhaps we wont need to keep her up to date on everything. However please make sure that 5's report includes a full diagnosis as well as how long you recommend runner 5 should be suspended from missions. Don't scoul at me like that Runner 5, an injury like yours is to be treated very seriously. 

Sam:  Runner 5 is suspended from missions?! (Speaking quickly) Why? Wha- 5 are you going to be alright? How badly injured is 5 doc? What if we just - 

Janine: You are  not permitted to be in here Mr. Yao! Go back to the waiting room where- 

Sam:  What the hallway with a couple of folding chairs? You mean that waiting area? I think 

Janine:  (Interrupting/ speaking on top of Sam) Mr. Yao there is proper-

Dr. Meyers:(Interrupting them both) Thank You Janine! I will be sure to fill out this form properly with my reccomendations of a recovery plan. You both can wait outside we are almost done. 

Janine: Yes come Mr. Yao. Let's let the Dr. do her job. 

Sam:  Alright I'm coming. We are just outside 5 yeah? 

(Door Closes)

Dr. Meyers: ok 5. Let's finish up. 


(Scratch of pencil and writing sounds) 

Dr. Meyers: There. Now stop walking and come sit down again. I have reccomended you stop running completly for three weeks but you aren't cleared for field work for another six. Hey! (Muttering) if looks could kill. I know you don't like it but I don't want you running, jogging, skipping, or even walking too fast. You have to give yourself time to heal. In a couple of weeks you will begin your training program with me to help you build up strength and keep healing. You've got to trust me on this ok? You are too valuable of a runner to risk further injury. We have to get you to heal properly. (P) don't look so dejected 5. It's only a matter of weeks. We will have you up to speed and back out there in no time. Now go tell Sam we don't have to amputate or whatever other extreme situation he is sitting out there worrying about. I will make sure this report gets to Janine. 

Mission Completed 

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