Zombies Recover episode2 Jumpin' Jack Flash

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(Walking on gravel noises)

Meyers: Good work 5. No, Hey! Don't speed up, I'm sorry 5, I know it's frustrating but you absolutely can't run right now. Just keep that walking pace. (Pause). That's good just like that. As boring as these walking exercises are, they are necessary in helping you fully recover. All of us want you healed up and back out there, I know I still have quite the list of equipment I need you guys to bring back if I am ever going to finish... and Janine is desperate for the last parts she needs to boost our camera network. We really rely on you runners. (Pause) Do you enjoy being a runner, 5? If you needed a break from all the demands I could –woah haha ok then never mind. You know as quiet as you are, you're very expressive. (Pause) It's no wonder you and runner 8 are thick as thieves most days. You both are cut from the same cloth. She is just as passionate about being out in the field; she lives for it. Jack and Eugene call you two a ruthless zombie slaying machine. Sam calls you guys the dream team ha. (Pause) Ok enough of that exercise come over here to the pull up bar, you could use a little cross training. I mean seriously, what was your plan if you ever have to climb a tree. Not that I think you will ever be sent on a mission to raid a tree house or anything, but still.


Meyers: Seriously? I am signing you up for more strength training. Maybe we should add a few extra bars or a climbing rope to this training yard for all the runners to work on strength. (Pause) ok adjust your grip back the way you had it and start again.

Jack + Eugene: Dr. Meyers! Doc! Don't listen to him. Hey! Ok Hey! I have a well.... Hang on! Dr. Meyers!! (Talking over each other hurriedly to get her attention)

Eugene: Dr. would you please tell Jack that he is being a complete bonehead!

Jack: Hey! I am not! I just think –

Eugene: It's ridiculous! You are wasting your time.

Jack: let me ask the Dr. Ok?

Eugene: It's Impossible you dolt everyone knows that –

Jack: Hey now no need to call names. We are here for a professional opinion right?

Meyers:  No 5 don't stop. Switch over to the core exercises I had you doing earlier. Good. What's going on you two? 


Eugene Go on.

Jack: Dr. Meyers, my colleague and I were wondering –

Eugene: HE was wondering, I already –

Jack: No Interrupting!

Eugene: Fine...

Jack: Dr. Meyers would you mind stepping over here with me so that I may ask you a very serious scientific question without any more interruptions?


Dr. Meyers: You think Eugene's missing leg is now a zombie!!

Jack: Hang on hear me out. It was buried right? Ok so then what if.... (fades out)

Eugene: 5. Come on. Follow me. Jack's got Dr. Meyers distracted but we don't have much time.

Meyers: Are you pranking me for your radio show or something?!

Jack: No! I honestly think that if the soil...

Eugene: That's it nice and slowly start walking with me. (Pause) keep talking Jack keep... (P) Come on... nice and slow (P) almost there keep the dr looking away (P) almost aaaaaaaannnnndddd (Door opens and closes) Safe! Ok 5 we are just going to cut through here. Runners 3 and 4 found something while out on a run the other day and when Jack and I heard about it we knew it was perfect for you so we convinced Sam to let them go back for it. Now that it's here we had to get you away from "Sargent" Meyers rigorous Recovery program. Seriously I know Maxine gets very focused with runner injuries and wants to be sure you guys are safe out there but... I mean we already have a major...  anyway Jack is decoy but he knows where to meet us. Come on it's just up here.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2017 ⏰

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