wedding time....

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Dan's Pov

So I woke up, "groom wake up!" Mum said, "I'm up, I'm up!" I said, so I got downstairs, mum smiling, Charlotte and Phil sitting around, "were's my daughters?" I asked, "At your dad's, but they'll be here soon, Don't are you feeling with the baby?" Charlotte asked, "Meh, morning sick," I said, "you want a tea?" Sean's mum asked I nodded.

so I sat down, "Don't worry you'll be fine, today is your day" Mum said, I nodded, the door knocked, Charlotte opened it, "Maria and Maisy are here!" Charlotte said they came in, "Hey Mum," they said, "Hey,'s your father," I said, "Bricking it...he's not come out of his room, grandad has persuaded him a couple times, I guess he needs you" Maisy said, "Right, let me get changed into something and then we'll go see him"

Sean's Pov

I sat there crying.....I can't-do this.....I'm so nervous, "Sean...son open up, please, I don't want you like this!" Dad said, "NO, I CAN'T DO THIS DAD!" I said I heard dad go away, "He's in there...Dan your his last chance" I heard him say I got to the door and put my hand on it, "Baby, Open up...not for your dad...for me, I know you're nervous about today, I'm totally nervous too, up" He said.

"I'm Scared Dan," I said, "you don't have to be, I'll be there, we'll all be there, don't worry, I love you so much, now...come on open the door, if you won't do it for me, do it for our baby" He said, I opened the door..... I hugged him, "Hey...don't cry, I'm here, I love you so much, Sean," he said, "come's our day, remember?" he asked, I nodded, "Go on...get changed I'll see you at the aisle Mr Howell" I said, 

so I changed, "Oh and....I LOVE YOU!" I shouted, "LOVE YOU TOO!" He shouted back, I sat there....the girls smiling, " okay now?" Maria asked I nodded, they smiled, "good, at least you're not nervous," Maisy said.

Dan's Pov

I sat down, Sean saw me, we hugged, "Hey Mr Handsome," I said, "Oh...I'm Mr Handsome now?" he asked shifting his eyebrow, "Well, you're beautiful," he said, I blushed, I am wearing a dress....I kinda did want to... because I thought would be a joke, Sean let me wear one.

so I swayed, making my dress flow, "Hey, Beautiful!" he called, "Yes Handsome?" I asked, he held his hand out, we danced, "So Beautiful" he muttered, I smiled, "Come on you too...It's time to go!" Mum said.

so we got into the car, my dad smiling, "you look, nice son" he said, "Sorry, Dad...I Just wanted to know what it felt like to be in a dress" I said, 


so I held my dad's arm, I am so nervous, the doors opened, I saw Sean, oh my man, we walked down the Aisle, he smiled, I looked at him, we joined hands, "Beautiful" he said, "thank you" I said, "Welcome to the wedding off, Daniel James Howell and Sean William Mcloughlin"

"I Daniel James Howell take you, Sean William Mcloughlin, to have, to hold to cherish and honour til death do us part," I said, "I Sean William Mcloughlin, take you, Daniel James Howell, to have to hold, to cherish and Honour til Death do us part" Sean said.

"Before we say I do, does anyone Object?" he asked..... I saw a girl come in.....Evelyn, "I Object!" she said, she got to me and Punched me and knocked me out.....


I woke up... 

Sean was with me, "I didn't get the chance to say I do..." I said, "Don't worry...look at your hand?" He told me, my ring, "Mum...could you do the vows?" Sean asked.

"Sean, do you take Dan to be your Husband?" she asked him, "I do," He said, I sat up, "Dan, do you take Sean to be your Husband?" she asked me, "I do," I said, we kissed, "I love you Mr Mcloughlin..." he said.

"Hey...come here," I said, he sat down, I looked at my stomach...." where's my baby?" I asked Panicking.... "He's right next to you," Sean said, "He?" I asked, "It's a boy," Sean said, I picked him up, "Hey Sweetie, It's me, your mummy," I said, he smiled, "Oh Sean....he's so precious, I want to name him!" I said.

"Go Ahead babe," he said, "Dylan Michael Mcloughlin," I said, Sean smiled, "Is Maisy and Maria here?" I asked they ran in, "you have a little brother," I said, they smiled, "Mum...I'm so sorry about Evelyn" she said, "It's alright," I said, Sean sat down, he kissed me, "I love you" he said.

so we sat there...Dylan in my arms, my husband at my side, I'm happy

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