online as a gay married couple

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Sean's pov

so I was on the computer...just editing a video that I'd just recorded, Dan downstairs looking after the kids...

Dan- an email has been sent xxx

Seanyboy - what about Love?

Dan- asking us to go on an internet show for youtube...

Seanyboy - up for it?

Dan- Yeah, let's go do it, it's in Ireland though, with a youtube channel called Irelandonline
Seanyboy- I know that channel, I'll be down in a min xxx

(A/N they live in London now)

so I finished uploading and came downstairs, I saw Dan burping Dylan, "Just had his feed?" I asked Dan, he nodded, "He wouldn't settle down so I tried to put him to sleep, didn't work, I tried his nappy, It didn't work, so I fed him and he instantly caught good sweetie?" he asked Dylan.

he smiled, "He's one happy baby," I said, Maisy came in, with her bag and an outrageous outfit, "What are you wearing?" I laughed at her, "It's odd clothes day, so I thought I'd be funky" she said, she looked like a nerd crossed with a hippy.... she did look cool though.

"Come on you... let's get you to school!" Maria said, "you're taking her? I thought you had school too?" I asked Maria, "Dad...I quit" she told me, "MARIA MCLOUGHLIN!" I said folding my arms, "Dad...I'm only joking I finished school, I'm a YouTuber!" she said, "seriously! alright, Maisy give me a kiss" I said.

she kissed me and dan, "Have a good day at school honey, have you got your lunch?" Dan asked her, "Yes mum!" she said, they both walked out of the door, "Our kids are perfect!" Dan said smiling, "How's the nose?" I asked him, "Better, thanks for being there for me," he said putting Dylan down for his nap.

I put my arms around his waist, "No problem baby, I'll always be here for you, you are my everything Daniel Mcloughlin, my kind, caring, Amazing, wonderful, husband, who never gives up on anyone, or me for that matter, you just are amazing" I said smiling, Dan blushed, linking his arms around my neck.

"I love you," I said, "I love you too, Sean," he said, "we better start packing..." he said looking at me, I nodded, "Nervous?" he asked me, I shook my head, "You?" I asked him, "Nope, I have my strong husband, with me," he said, I smacked his bum, "HEY!" he said, "What?" I asked him, he was blushing.

so we packed, Maria got back and she looked confused at me, "Where are you and Mum going?" she asked me, "I and your mother have been asked to do an interview for a gay theme in Ireland..." I said, she nodded, "I'm guessing you want me to take care of Dylan and Maisy?" she asked.

"If you don't mind hun," Dan said, "not at all, mum, this is important to you and dad, so you need to do it," she said, "thanks, sweetie, how was your sister?" I asked him, "She wouldn't go in because she was too nervous, she actually had to wait to see someone else in odd clothes before going out there herself...then I could hear her laugh at her friends," Maria said.

"I knew she would be nervous, but at least she was laughing, and having fun," Dan said, who was now playing his fingers on his now full suitcase, "you are quick" I said, "I can multitask" he said, "you can't close it can you?" I asked him, he shook his head, "Leave this to me" Maria said cracking her knuckles and sitting on the case and zipping it up.

"Piece of cake," she said, getting up but falling due to her foot stuck in the bed, I and dan erupted in laughter, "'s not funny" she whined, "Here," I said helping her out, we smiled, "At least we're having fun" mum said, "Yeah I guess we are having fun, a round of Mario Kart before we go?" I offer them.

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